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Picking the ISO/MLS contact:

industry's top Joshua Moody

website called Planning participation in the rankings
evaluates and ranks payments industry com-
panies as a means of driving traffic and sales's representatives meet with
A leads to its clients' sites. Merchants who are payment providers at industry conferences and tradeshows
looking for card services see the ratings and contact the to plan their participation. The site views its services
payment firms, said Joshua Moody, topcreditcardproces- as a customized marketing campaign for the payment's President. company. Clients number in the "hundreds," according
to Moody. Staff members at
When rating the payment companies, topcreditcardpro- help clients promote their brands by writing material considers background, reputation and ex- that runs on Marketwired, a Toronto-based press-release
perience. Its team checks rates, reliability and customer distribution service, he said. A typical release might list
feedback. It scours reports, the Better Business Bureau the Top 10 card processors for a certain month or provide
site and the Ripoff Report site for red flags. Site users on highlights of a particular company. can pan or praise the com-
panies on the site. Payment companies can attempt to "Agents can take that press release and go out and hit the
improve their rankings by submitting information to the streets or get on the phone and talk about how they're
site. rated as one of the best companies out there," Moody
Yet despite all that homework, achieving the top rank in
a category doesn't necessarily mean a company's the best Merchants also learn about the service through
in the business, Moody noted. "This is our opinion, based's participation in retailer
on what we know about them," he said. "We're looking for tradeshows, while merchant level salespeople (MLSs)
somebody who's going to be able to service our audience" often find out about it at their industry gatherings.
of merchants and agents.
The company also does some pay-per-click advertising,
Payment companies that don't fit topcreditcardprocessors. mostly for new categories that have yet to gain traction.
com's criteria don't make the ratings. And companies that Much of the rankings' public exposure, however, comes
qualify are ranked if they pay a fee to the site, he said. from Internet searches that merchants or MLSs launch
Currently, the fees vary but generally come to about $1,000 when they're seeking card processing services. Search
a month per category and run as high as $2,500 monthly, engine optimization helps assure the site comes out on
he noted, adding that payment companies "want to make top or at least on the first page for numerous searches.
a return" on the money they invest in the rankings. Merchants account for about 80 percent of the site's traffic,
the company noted.
The site's 30 categories include credit card processing, Directory offers free listings
high-risk processing, merchant cash advance, small-
business loans and retail processing. Companies can The site also includes a directory of industry companies
choose to pay the fee to become eligible in more than one with free listings. "There's no evaluation process with
category. that," Moody said. "It's merely a listing on the site." bases the price for appearing The company has been studying and ranking payments
in a category on the value the listing provides, Moody industry companies for nearly five years and employs a
said. Companies listed higher in the rankings generally 10-person staff, he said. Its parent company, e-ventures
pay more because they receive more value. "It depends Worldwide LLC, has been performing similar functions
on traffic numbers, what position they're in, how many for 13 years for other industries. The e-ventures website
categories they're in and what categories they're in," he lists 67 industries that it covers, ranging from airlines to
said of the fees. A merchant cash advance listing brings in web security.
more revenue per deal than an automated clearing house
listing could generate, and Headquarters for and
prices the categories accordingly, he said. e-ventures is in Naples, Fla., and the payments industry
work occurs in Naples.

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