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ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of research you have done on that merchant in
of my patients, and abstain from whatever is particular. It should not be a contrived situation
deleterious and mischievous." And in Of the forced upon you by your sales manager based
Epidemics, he wrote similarly that the physician solely on a quota that needs to be hit. It should
must be able "to do good or to do no harm." be totally based on the present situation of the
• It was former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell
(in office from 2010 to 2014) who said, "All doctors • Diagnosis: After explaining the reason for the
have an ethical duty to follow the practices and visit, a consultation should begin with a series
standards of care." of questions to understand the patient (that is,
the merchant) and understand the individual's
Ideally, doctors are not trying to pressure a patient into business as a whole, as well as the present situation
tests, prescriptions or visits that are neither needed nor in front of the merchant and the unique goals for
warranted just because a new quota of some kind was treatment.
created. Doctors are simply trying to stop either a present-
day pain, or to prevent a disease from growing, spreading • Remedies and prescriptions: This is when
and creating future pain. Both of these objectives are you would go into your wealth of knowledge,
based solely on the needs of the client. technologies, capital, connections, networks and
other resources to tailor a solution for the merchant
Model yourself after The Doctor that resolves his or her present day situation. Make
sure you prescribe what I refer to as the "whole
When I visit my doctor for an illness, I'm usually given solution," which is one of efficiency in quality and
documentation that includes the following: support, as well as fair pricing. From there, you
would work with the client on implementation
• Reason for visit: This explains why I was there, issues such as ascertaining when the merchant is
such as: the patient reported having issues related looking to get started and scheduling accordingly,
to stomach pains and vomiting. paperwork needed, facilitating documentation,
and other steps of the process.
• Diagnosis: This explains what the physician
believes my problem was, such as having viral • Time frame: This sets forth expectations
gastroenteritis (the stomach flu). regarding when the situation should be resolved
by your solution and the follow-up procedures to
• Remedies and prescriptions: This explains what employ afterward. For the merchant cash advance,
the doctor prescribed to stop the symptoms and for example, follow-up should involve some level
eventually stop the related pain. In this case, it of renewal management going forward as well as
might be for me to restrict my diet to the BRAT assistance with any collection issues.
(bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) regimen;
stay hydrated; and get a lot of rest. The real money in sales is made in the ongoing relationship
with the client, a relationship that spans two, three, five
• Time frame: This would be an estimated date and maybe even 10 or more years. You will make more
when I should most likely begin to feel better, money and have more career longevity if you follow The
and if I don't feel better by this particular time, Doctor's approach, rather than that of the high pressure
scheduling a follow-up visit is recommended. sales characters from the major Hollywood classics cited
in this article.
As a sales professional, emulate The Doctor. Here's one
possible scenario: Be sure to tune in to the next edition of Street SmartsSM here
in The Green Sheet, where I will continue the discussion of
• Reason for the visit: When you pop into a rebranding the MLS, a topic that has been central to my
merchant's location or telephone the individual, focus as this column's author.
ask yourself, what was the purpose for the visit
today? The purpose should only be because John Tucker is Managing Member of 1st Capital Loans LLC, as well as an
the merchant is in a situation that your suite of M.B.A. graduate and holder of three bachelor's degrees in accounting,
knowledge, technologies, capital, connections, business management and journalism. Tucker also has over nine years
networks and other resources can help resolve. of professional experience in commercial finance and business develop-
ment. You can contact him by email at or
You might have found out about the merchant's by telephone at 586-480-2140.
situation through a referral, because the merchant
responded to one of your ads, because the merchant
called you randomly, or because of various forms