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2016 ISV Study

 First Annapolis recently surveyed nearly 400 ISVs
regarding their relationships with payment partners.

    ISVs and Payments by the Numbers

51% 47%

ISVs that integrate payments into                                                             ISVs that have an
            their o ering                                                               acquirer-agnostic strategy

    Despite developing software for which                                      Of the ISVs that integrate payments, nearly
   payments are relevant and serving card                                     half are explicitly not aligned with an acquirer
   accepting end users (75% of respondents                                    (78% of ISVs utilizing an independent gateway
developed solutions for retailers, restaurants,                               reported a strategy of acquiring agnosticism).

      and services), 49% did not integrate                                                                  63%
          payments into their software.


ISVs that indicated low pricing to                                            ISVs that consider transparent
merchants was a top 3 criteria for                                            pricing a top 3 consideration in

       selecting an acquirer                                                        selecting an acquirer.

 ISVs focus on end user experience. ISVs                                        No doubt drawing from transparent discount
indicated that acquirer customer service,                                        rates in the payment facilitator model, ISVs
                                                                              similarly focused on simplicity and transparency.
  reliability,and ease of integration also
                  ranked highly.                                                                             65%


  ISVs that receive compensation                                                ISVs that indicated compensation
     from their acquiring partner                                             from the acquirer was or will be a top

Only half of ISVs received compensation from                                    3 criteria for selecting an acquirer
 acquirers. Of those receiving compensation,
                                                                              The emphasis on compensation, historically and
   57% do so in the form of a revenue share.                                  prospectively, indicates economic sharing from

                                                                                        acquirers is of rising importance.

                Sources: First Annapolis Consulting proprietary research.

For more information or to receive a summary of the research please contact:  Emily Boese,Senior Manager,; Chris Dickey, Consultant, Chris.

  U.S. Headquarters Three Park Place, Suite 200 l Annapolis, Maryland 21401             Keizersgracht 313-I l 1016 EE Amsterdam l The Netherlands
  2016 ISV Study                                                                        P:+31 (0)20 530 0360

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