Page 47 - GS161102
P. 47


    •	 Should I stew tonight about a             While no one can literally add hours to a day, we all
        deal that fell through today or         have time that we don't use or don't use properly. And
        attend a meeting of a local or-          if we take an honest look at how we're spending our
        ganization that interests me?            time, each of us will see that we all can handle more.

When I began asking myself these           is the more we do, the less we complain, because our lives become richer, and
types of questions, I started to see       we are less bored with our daily routine.
that expanding my time in this man-
ner might also create a real positive      So how do we start expanding our time and getting more into the time we
feeling, one I knew I'd been missing       have? I heard several recommendations including, "Just get off your ass." It
out on. Do you think if you are more       may be easier to tell yourself, "You know the program you have always wanted
positive and feel good about yourself      to sign up for? Well, go for it." It makes no difference what you decide to move
that it just might help you do better      ahead with. We are all different, but ultimately we all want to be worth more to
with other things?                         our friends, family and those we work with.

Give more to get more                      So, to borrow Nike's tag line: Just do it!

In his talk, the rabbi explained that      Steven Feldshuh, President of Merchants' Choice Payment Solutions East, has 18 years' experience
when he first began to understand          in sales and ISO development. Directly prior to joining MCPSE in 2012, he was President of Payment
and appreciate time, he had one child      Partners. In his current position, Steven devotes the bulk of his time to assisting agents in building
and was beginning to develop a pri-        their portfolios. Contact him by email at or by phone at 212-392-9202.
vate school program and an adult
center for learning. He recounted
how he never had a moment for him-
self. It took him a while to realize he
could do a lot more. Then, through
his life's work, through all the people
he met on his journey, and through
all the programs he implemented, he
found that he was continually able to
expand his time.

This may sound unbelievable to most
of us. Silverman is now the father of
10 children, he administers multiple
programs, and runs a sizable private
school for children, an adult learning
center and his own websites. He is in-
volved with hundreds of people on a
weekly basis.

An audience member asked him
how he manages, and he stated that
because of all the programs, people
and ideas he has become involved in,
his life, and his family's life, have all
improved. He lives better not only
because his life is fuller, but also be-
cause his finances have improved as

His immediate network has grown,
his contributions to society have
grown, and he has been able to ex-
pand his time.

The feeling of accomplishing more
each day in one's life, for most of us,
gives us a natural high. A side benefit

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