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Expand your time                                                          Initially, when Silverman broached the con-
                                                                          cept of expanding your time, it seemed over-
By Steven Feldshuh                                                        whelming to me. Like most of us, I commute
Merchants' Choice Payment Solutions East                                  to work, work a full workday, typically take
                                                                          work home and try to hit the sack at 11 p.m. I
A s we all know, one of the most precious commodities we                  wake up and strive to get in a half-hour work-
               don't have enough of is time. How we treat the time we     out each morning and then start the routine
               have will make a difference in our well-being, relation-   over again. So I wondered how I could pos-
               ships and income level, and one of our prime goals should  sibly squeeze in more when all the available
be to live life to the fullest while continually improving the person     hours seem to be filled already.
we are.
I am not approaching this article from a psychologist's point of view,    However, as I listened, I started to understand
but rather from the view of an individual I greatly respect who           and appreciate the message. While no one can
recently gave an amazing sermon on the subject. His name is Rabbi         literally add hours to a day, we all have time
Beni Silverman, and I had the pleasure of hearing him speak on this       that we don't use or don't use properly. And if
topic in October. He believes in present-day lessons, and I have found    we take an honest look at how we're spending
that his use of humor makes him very relatable.                           our time, each of us will see that we all can
                                                                          handle more. By making this statement, I am
46                                                                        not saying one should stay longer at work just
                                                                          to try and write an extra deal. Hopefully, in
                                                                          the next few paragraphs, what I am trying to
                                                                          convey will come across in a relatable, under-
                                                                          standable way.

                                                                          Do more to live more fully

                                                                          Simply put, getting more out of life by doing
                                                                          more in the time you are given will improve
                                                                          your life. The more you do, the more you
                                                                          will feel better about yourself and your
                                                                          accomplishments. Silverman told his listeners
                                                                          that it is critical for us to explore our passions
                                                                          and contribute to the daily lives of others.
                                                                          He suggested we learn new skills, develop
                                                                          hobbies or become members of organizations
                                                                          that interest us.

                                                                          All these actions, I realized, would make me
                                                                          feel better about myself, which would project
                                                                          into my work and work habits. And the truth
                                                                          is we all have time to do much more, and we
                                                                          all have the ability to manage it.

                                                                          Isn't it likely that if you learn new skills and
                                                                          meet interesting people, doors will open to
                                                                          you that you might not have even noticed
                                                                          previously? Sounds good, doesn't it? To get
                                                                          started, ask yourself questions like these:

                                                                              •	 Should I be sitting in front of the tele-
                                                                                  vision watching the Walking Dead, or
                                                                                  should I, for the fun of it, learn some
                                                                                  new computer skills?

                                                                              •	 What if I volunteered at an animal shel-
                                                                                  ter one night a week?

                                                                              •	 Should I be playing a game on my
                                                                                  smartphone or should I be reading a
                                                                                  great novel?
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