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Company: AnywhereCommerce                                      The Walker C2X is an integral part of the Any-
Product: Walker C2X                                            whereCommerce mSuite portfolio and prod-
Website:                              uct family. Its embedded, multifunctional card
Contact: 888-646-7779, ext. 103                                reader facilitates swipe, dip and tap payment
                                                               card transactions in an array of fixed hospital-

                                                               ity and retail settings and mobile merchant en-


EMV-certified reader for Available options

smartphones, tablets, PCs                                      The Walker C2X is available as a turnkey, end-to-end so-
                                                               lution or as a customizable solution that can be integrated
A nywhereCommerce, a global mobile commerce                    with POS systems, mobile apps, and phone and tablet solu-
               technology provider headquartered in Montreal,  tions. User-friendly application programming interface li-
               Quebec, Canada, added the Walker C2X to         braries and a software development toolkit are available for
               its extended line of payment acceptance solu-   software and developers, the company stated. Following
tions. The compact device is EMV (Europay, Mastercard          are additional Walker C2X features AnywhereCommerce
and Visa) certified and compatible with iOS, Android and       spotlighted:
Windows mobile operating systems. Designed to transform
smartphones, tablets and PCs into secure mobile payments            •	 Digital wallet compatibility: The Walker C2X sup-
solutions, the Walker C2X can support EMV chip and sig-                 ports digital wallet schemes, including Apple Pay
nature, contactless, and mag-stripe payment schemes, the                and Android Pay.
company stated.
                                                                    •	 Chip, mag-stripe cards: The EMV-certified, near
"AnywhereCommerce has built its reputation on delivering                field communication-capable reader accepts contact
reliable, high-quality mobile point-of-sale solutions," said            and contactless smart card transactions. Its mag-
William Nichols, President and Chief Executive Officer for              stripe reader uses advanced encryption technology
AnywhereCommerce. "Walker C2X continues our compa-                      to ensure secure, reliable mobile transactions.
ny's leadership in this market by offering a solution that
easily and affordably addresses the latest payment require-         •	 Remote updates: Firmware updates and key injec-
ments."                                                                 tion are achieved by remote over-the-air transmis-
                                                                        sion. The ability to provide continuous field-level
                                                                        upgrades keeps Walker C2X devices optimized, up
                                                                        to date and compliant.

Mitchell Cobrin, founder and Chief Catalyst at Anywher-             •	 Flexible: The Walker C2X is compatible with most
eCommerce, added, "Our Walker class of products offers                  smartphones, tablets and PCs. It supports Android,
partners the ideal mPOS card reader. Whether a merchant                 iOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
needs mag-stripe, EMV, contactless, Bluetooth, or audio
jack, Walker will do the job."                                      •	 Optimized connectivity: The portable device can
                                                                        connect to smartphones, tablets and PCs via micro
Cobrin further noted the device can be part of an end-to-               USB and audio jack technology. A Bluetooth version
end precertified solution on the AnywhereCommerce gate-                 will also be available, with an optional removable
way, a solution, he said, is popular with the ISO and inde-             sticky pad to adhere Bluetooth readers to paired de-
pendent software vendor community. "Walker is also sup-                 vices.
ported by numerous third-party gateways and is available
at distributors such as POS Portal and The Phoenix Group,"     Proven, EMV-certified solution
he said.
                                                               The Walker C2X builds on the heritage of AnywhereCom-
Small footprint, big potential                                 merce and its array of EMV-capable mobile POS solutions
                                                               created exclusively for the ISO and acquirer channel. De-
AnywhereCommerce is known for its innovative approach-         signed to go above and beyond EMV compliance, the device
es to mobile payment technology. Its solutions include pat-    can reduce operational costs while significantly improving
ented audio jack technology, software apps, an internation-    relationships between business owners and customers as
al gateway, an advanced transaction management platform,       well as the overall mobile commerce experience, according
mobile software applications, retail mobile POS solutions,     to company representatives.
EMV-certified card acceptance devices and software devel-
opment tools. AnywhereCommerce solutions are backed            Solution providers, merchant service providers, merchant
by the company's aCommerce Management Platform and             acquirers, and ISOs continue to play a major role in lead-
secure Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard-           ing the EMV migration in the United States, the company
and EMVCo-certified payments ecosystem.                        stated. Through industry efforts, merchants have a better
                                                               understanding of EMV requirements, while capitalizing on
                                                               the related benefits and opportunities of this historic tran-

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