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           Since fraud filters and prevention                   The proposition is simple. Follow the rules the major card
       tools are designed to identify suspicious                brands (Visa, Mastercard and American Express) created,
                                                                run transaction details through their authentication
         cardholder behavior, and since there's                 systems, and if a transaction is verified, even if it is not
     nothing suspicious about a fraudster who's                 legit (or, in the case of friendly fraud, the consumer claims
                                                                that it is not legit), it's not your problem to pay anymore.
        using his or her own card and identity,
     mitigating friendly fraud is the trickiest of              And the proposition has become even more appealing. In
                                                                the past, 3-D Secure's adoption was a hard case to make, as
                             them all.                          authentication required input by the consumer, increasing
                                                                cart abandonment. However, the card networks decided
her own card and identity, mitigating friendly fraud is the     to be kind and do the heavy thinking themselves. They
trickiest of them all. Having said that, it is not an entirely  now authenticate transactions by running consumers'
lost cause.                                                     previous card data and purchasing patterns through their
                                                                systems, making the fight against friendly fraud an easily
Even though traditional fraud prevention devices can't do       accomplished task.
much, implementing tools that shift liability of fraud away
from e-tailers, instead of trying to detect the undetectable,   Evi Triantafyllides is the Marketing Director at PAAY, a software solution
is a processor's and merchant's best remedy. This type          that qualifies e-commerce transactions at lower interchange rates and
of fraud protection can be found in 3-D Secure, a card-         shifts liability for e-commerce fraud away from merchants, to the card
brand backed program that, similar to EMV (Europay,             issuers. Evi was the first full-time employee at PAAY. She is responsible for
Mastercard and Visa) in the offline space, "rewards"            the company's marketing, and at the same time focuses on ISO relations
merchants who authenticate consumers' identities by             and partnerships. Find out about PAAY at or reach out to
qualifying transactions at better rates and shifting liability  her directly at
in the case of fraud to card issuers.
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