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                                                                                           ISO/MLS contact:
                                                                                                    Bill Pirtle
                                                              Affiliation & Partnership Development Specialist

                              A custom fit for merchants

                 or over 25 years, Troy, Mich.-based  Active     that, in Michigan, can sync with the State to automate
                 Software & Hardware Systems has developed       ordering and also download quarterly price changes and
                 business management and inventory software      print new shelf labels," Pirtle said, noting that the system
         F for POS systems in multiple vertical markets.         can be adjusted to meet individual state requirements.
         Serving clients in the United States and Canada, ASH also
         builds custom POS systems.                              "We also have a feature I call Margin Enhancement,"
                                                                 Pirtle said. "We can program liquor price changes in peak
         "We handle approximately 30 verticals but are making    selling times to enhance the profit. This is optimal in
         a push in four segments: convenience, liquor, medical   college towns and less price sensitive areas, but with use
         marijuana and vape," said Bill Pirtle, Affiliation &    of our built-in loyalty program, regular customers can
         Partnership Development Specialist at ASH. In addition   still get liquor at regular price even in peak times." The
         to verticals just mentioned the ASH Point of Sale Pro   feature can also be used to discount hot food over time,
         Management  System  offers  additional  industry-specific   which reduces food waste at the end of the day.
         editions  for  merchant,  restaurant,  auto  service,  salon,
         jewelry and golf shop applications, among others.       Built into the margin enhancement program is a wireless
                                                                 electronic price tag system called e-Tag. "E-Tags change
         The ASH VIP user association services program being     the price on labels to new pricing through the point-
         developed will soon provide quarterly software updates   of-sale system so shelf prices match the POS system at
         for clients, and hosted webinar and in-person meetings   all times," Pirtle said. "In most liquor stores using the
         to discuss updates and additional features clients would   premium pricing, ROI can be as little as 90 days." He
         like to see built in. Advanced accounting, advertising,   added that the e-Tag system can add as much as $1,000 in
         e-commerce, electronic shelf tag, inventory, loyalty,   margin per night for some businesses.
         multilocation, purchasing and vendor management tools
         are available through ASH.                              According to Pirtle, ASH offers reasonable annual service
                                                                 plans and  phone  support,  which can be  paid  upfront
         "Our system is not the least expensive option, but our   without obligating clients to regular payments or specific
         software is customized to the user," Pirtle said. "There is   processors, since ASH is processor agnostic. "We do the
         not a small, medium, large option that results in being   software install in the Troy office and ship it, so all the
         crammed into a mid-range system or being buried in      installer has to do is assemble it on site," he said.
         features they'll never use. We have custom solutions that
         will fit the business, not the business trying to fit the   ASH expects to release details soon about a partner link
         solution."                                              that will provide fully and semi-integrated solutions for
                                                                 agents. ASH also plans to integrate its new POS solution
         Pinpoint features                                       for the petroleum market with several major processors.

         To illustrate ASH's commitment to detail, the vape store   Its push inventory system (where ordering for stores is
         management  system  allows owners to build  ingredient   done at distribution centers based on sales) offers an
         lists for proprietary blends and extracts each component   excellent option for jobbers and chains in the petroleum
         from inventory when ordered, which is helpful in states   market, Pirtle noted.
         where laws require detailed records.
                                                                 ASH welcomes reseller partners. "We're working to bring
         An optional database with approximately 95 percent of   on  agents  that  will  be  resellers  for  us,"  he  said.  "If  you
         product stock keeping units for convenience, liquor and   have a customer that is not satisfied with your current
         grocery stores supports transfer  of existing inventory   offerings, give us a call."
         files. "This product list includes a complete liquor file
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