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Spotlight Innovators
Today advertising can be challenging, finding a means to communicate effectively to customers is key to increasing your
sales and revenue. In a sea of marketing and advertising of competitors clamoring to be heard, it is easy to get lost in
the crowd and can be expensive to effectively communicate your message. What if there was a way to directly convey a
promotion to your customers that would instantly get their attention?
Using the video feature on the IRIS platform is an excellent way of leveraging your existing client base to increase your
profits without signing anymore accounts. If you want to learn more about the benefits of using video, schedule a demo
with IRIS CRM.
IRIS CRM | Payment Processing | Residual Income from Dimitri Akhrin on Vimeo.
Integrated Reporting is Simple (IRIS CRM) is a premier sales automation software company servicing clients in the
payments industry. The platform was created for ISOs (sellers of electronic payment services) to track leads, appointments,
tickets, commissions and live accounts from processing networks. With over 30 current integrations, IRIS CRM also offers
robust reporting for clients in formats conducive to determining productivity and growth. Clients do not install IRIS
CRM, but instead access it through a secure website built and hosted by IRIS CRM, a certified PCI Level 1 Compliant
Service Provider.
Headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, IRIS CRM offers a fast-paced and stimulating corporate culture and a team
environment that leverages the latest technologies to deliver reporting and business process automation services to our
clients in the payment processing industry.
A typical client is an ISO that is looking to consolidate their day to day operations into a single tool. IRIS CRM provides a
single portal to handle every process from the time that a lead is a seed - all the way through the lifespan of an account.