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                        Leap into the year-end holidays

                 ike the rest of 2020, the year-end holiday season   products and services deal with this? If you fall short, find
                 will be different from all prior years. Indeed,   partners who can help you fill this essential gap, because
                 the  season  has  already  diverged  from  conven-  all indications are we'll see online purchases soar higher
        L tion, because it is already well underway. Many        than ever this holiday season.
        savvy retailers segued from holiday prep to implementa-
        tion before summer's end.                                In addition, getting a jump on the holiday season can give
                                                                 merchants valuable data on emerging geographic and
        Now would be a great time to encourage your merchant     demographic trends that they can apply to their plans for
        customers to step up their holiday season activities          the rest of the year and into the coming year. Does
        if they haven't already done so. A signifi-                          your suite of services provide a means for
        cant portion of consumer spending                                         them to collect and analyze data in a
        shifted from in-person to online,                                             meaningful way?  If not,  this  is
        which    spurred  merchants                                                     another area where you can
        to adapt. Many launched                                                            research potential partners
        ecommerce websites for                                                              who will enable you to
        the first time; some en-                                                              provide the very best
        tered entirely new                                                                     service possible.
        sales  channels;  a
        large number adapt-                                                                      There will always be
        ed to new methods                                                                         some folks for whom
        of order placement                                                                         holiday shopping is
        and    fulfillment.                                                                        a cherished social
        Much of this is                                                                            activity. They will
        still new to them.                                                                         want to visit physi-
        Integrating  sea-                                                                          cal stores and see
        sonal    products                                                                          real merchandise
        and    promotions                                                                          on display. Mer-
        early   will  give                                                                        chants need help
        them  more  time  to                                                                     creating optimal in-
        work out  the kinks                                                                      store experiences for
        before the bulk of or-                                                                  consumers under what
        ders arrive.                                                                          are likely to be social
                                                                                             distancing requirements
        Another reason for mer-                                                            that vary from jurisdiction to
        chants to get their holiday                                                     jurisdiction. What services do
        mojo on early is that many retail-                                            you have that can help merchants
        ers are now at peak capacity when it                                      offer a seamless in-store experience?
        comes to shipping packages, and so are                                Do you provide contactless payment accep-
        the various companies that will be making their                tance, as well as hand-held POS devices so sales as-
        deliveries. A glut of undelivered packages sitting in ware-  sociates can check shoppers out on the spot and avoid long
        houses on Christmas morning instead of under the tree,   lines trailing down cluttered aisles?
        for example, would cause more than disappointment. It
        could lead to long-lasting ill will among the huge percent-  We used to talk about omnichannel commerce in the
        age of people who celebrate the holiday.                 future tense. It has now arrived. And we, in the payments
                                                                 community, are positioned to help make it rewarding for
        Update your offerings                                    all involved as we get into the holiday spirit.
        Authenticating online purchases is another challenge
        merchants increasingly face this year. How can they
        balance the need to block fraudulent card-not-present
        purchases and the need to not decline valid purchases?
        Take a look at what you offer merchants. How well do your
                                                                                  Kate Gillespie, President and CEO

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