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                        A useful book and worthy mission        components of a rapidly growing decentralized financial
                                                                system (DeFi) that has the potential to significantly
                                 arah Evans, founder and CEO    challenge how we buy, sell, and trade just about
                                 of Sevans Strategy, thought    everything," Evans wrote, adding that Palmer's book "is
                                 Green Sheet readers would be   proving to be just the right explainer for forward-thinking
                        S interested in a new ebook by          executives who want to stay ahead of the curve."
        Shelly Palmer titled  Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFTs and
        Smart Contracts: An executive guide to the world of decentral-  The book is available exclusively on Amazon, and 100
        ized finance. A business adviser and technology consultant,   percent of the author's proceeds will be donated to Girls
        Palmer is CEO of The Palmer Group, which works with     Who Code, Evans explained. Girls Who Code is a nonprofit
        Fortune 500 companies on digital transformation, market-  organization that is on a mission to close the gender gap
        ing, strategy, data science, AI and machine learning.   in tech. It does this through a variety of means, including
                                                                online resources, campaigns, books, advocacy work,
        Evans noted that the book became an Amazon bestseller   and in-person programming such as clubs and summer
        in three categories within 24 hours of its release and   immersion programs. "Half of the girls we serve come
        contains a context-setting overview of the entire       from historically underrepresented groups, including girls
        decentralized finance ecosystem, as well as deep insights   who are Black, Latinx, or from low-income backgrounds,"
        into how to think about the consequences, both intended   the organization stated.
        and unintended, of our transition into a decentralized,
        trustless world. She also reported that Mark Cuban called   What do you recommend?
        the book a "crisp, easy to understand overview of crypto   Have you recently discovered a book that would be of
        and DeFi."                                              interest to your  payments  colleagues? How  about ways
                                                                you and your peers are helping worthy causes? Tell us
        "While crypto prices and NFTs [non-fungible tokens] have   about that or other developments or issues of interest at
        dominated recent headlines, they are just the most visible


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