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                                                                  To be considered for participation, organizations need-
                                                                  ed to be in operation for at least one year, have at least
                                                                  15 employees working in Virginia and have a facility in
                                                                  the commonwealth.

                                                                  TSG heralds 2022 top payment gateways
                                                                  The Strawhecker Group recognized several payment
                                                                  gateways for exceptional performance across key areas
                                                                  critical to a successful payment platform. "As a cashless
                                                                  future approaches, we are excited to honor the gateways
                                                                  making this possible," said Mike Strawhecker, president
                                                                  of  TSG. TSG’s  Gateway Enterprise Metrics platform
                                                                  sends real transactions and pings from over 20 global
                                                                  locations 24/7/365 to monitor gateway performance. A
                                                                  list of winners and runners up in categories of best per-
        ANNOUNCEMENTS                                             forming, fastest transactions, highest authorization rate,
                                                                  lowest gateway minute outage (North  America), and
          APEXX Global enters U.S. market                         lowest gateway minute outage (global) can be found
                                                                  here: x
          APEXX Global, a payments platform and buy now, pay
          later (BNPL) provider, introduced its payments orches-  RESEARCH
          tration and processing platform to the U.S. marketplace.
          The company said that  as  the BNPL market heats up     Holiday gift card sales may boost Q1 retail sales
          in the United States, it is focused on helping payment
          services providers meet growing demand, and it expects   Holiday gift card sales could boost retail sales in the
          to be processing about $20 billion with big ecommerce   first quarter of 2022, according to new research from
          brands by the end of 2021. APEXX noted it is a staple   Blackhawk Network. The findings, based on consumer
          in European markets, with over 120 integrated part-     research and Blackhawk’s U.S. sales data, found a
          ners and multiple enterprise clients, while saving users   double-digit increase in gift card sales during the 2021
          across more than 70 countries an average of 15 percent   holiday season,  with most surveyed consumers  plan-
          on processing.                                          ning to use their gift cards between January and March.
          ATMIA celebrates 25th anniversary                       Eighty-two percent of surveyed consumers reported
                                                                  they plan to use their holiday gift cards in the first half
          ATMIA launched its 25th anniversary year logo to help   of the year. With 47 percent of respondents planning to
          commemorate a quarter century of service to the ATM     spend more than the value of their gift card, that is good
          industry. Founded in a two-room office in Louisville,   news for U.S. retailers. Of those planning to spend more,
          Ky., the not-for-profit association now represents over   41 percent of surveyed consumers said they anticipate
          650 companies in 70 countries from all sectors of the   spending at least $50 more than the amount they were
          ATM, cash and payments sectors. ATMIA launched its      given.
          anniversary celebrations at its annual U.S. conference   Icon finds request to pay challenges direct debit
          Feb. 8 to 10, 2022 in Orlando, Fla. Founding Director
          Tom Harper, now CEO of Networld Media Group, cred-      An Icon Solutions report titled  Demystifying Request
          ited ATMIA CEO Mike Lee for leading the association     to Pay: An Industry Perspective revealed a survey of 50
          "into the world’s major markets with amazing skill and   senior global banking executives indicates request to
          diplomacy."                                             pay is widely expected to challenge established pay-
                                                                  ment methods, with 87 percent of respondents viewing
          Nacha among Best Places to Work in Virginia
                                                                  it as a good alternative to direct debits and 71 percent
          Nacha was named one of the Best Places to Work in       expecting it will reduce merchant’s dependency on pay-
          Virginia for a fourth consecutive year by Virginia Business   ment cards. Yet 67 percent identified bank readiness as
          Magazine and Best Companies Group. The statewide        the main barrier impacting adoption of request to pay
          survey and awards program identifies, recognizes and    services, with the limitations of existing technology and
          honors the best places of employment in Virginia, ben-  a lack of clear strategy seen as key inhibiting factors. In
          efiting its economy, workforce and businesses, Nacha    allowing payees to initiate requests for payments within
          stated. The 2022 Best Places to Work in Virginia list is   a secure messaging channel, request to pay enables flex-
          made up of 100 companies and organizations.             ible ways to move money between people, organizations
                                                                  and businesses, Icon stated.

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