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Top CEO priorities: Russia, inflation, the economy stated, it has cultivated expertise in exceptional cus-
tomer service through long-standing relationships with
A new survey of CEOs and board directors, released hundreds of hotel industry experts and operators. The
by The Conference Board's Committee for Economic partnership with PXP has enabled Profitroom to imple-
Development, found that for more than two-thirds of ment a redirect checkout page on its booking engine, so
respondents, Russia is the top priority they want the when customers book hotels online via Profitroom, the
federal government to address. Russia concerns super- payment will be captured through PXP's payments plat-
seded inflation and strengthening the economy, which form and go straight to the hotel's own account quickly
follow closely behind. The survey gauged the opinion of and securely, the partners noted.
more than 80 CEOs and board directors, many of whom
are at companies with more than $1 billion in revenue. Sephora selects FreedomPay
Respondents were asked questions about timely issues
including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine Commerce platform FreedomPay partnered with beauty
and the Federal Reserve's stance on inflation. Roughly retailer Sephora USA Inc. to integrate FreedomPay's
67 percent of respondents agree with President Biden's data-driven commerce technology platform in Sephora's
handling of the situation in Ukraine; more than 80 per- 500-plus stores across the Americas. The partnership
cent of respondents believe the Fed needs to move faster allows for a safe and secure next-level mobile POS con-
on inflation, researchers stated. sumer experience for shoppers with FreedomPay, the
partners stated, adding that the new touchless capable
U.S. Payments Forum offers guidance payment system enables Sephora clients to have com-
on EMV 3DS debit routing plete control over their checkout experience, giving
consumers the option to pay via contactless payment
Amid increased interest among payments industry methods and digital wallets all on their own device.
professionals to explore enhanced security and authen-
tication techniques, the U.S. Payments Forum released ThetaRay, Microsoft Azure join forces
a resource that proposes a new solution concept for
routing debit transactions that include EMV 3-D Secure ThetaRay, provider of AI-powered transaction monitor-
(3DS). The EMV 3DS protocol specification facilitates ing technology, said its SaaS transaction anti-money
cardholder authentication for card-not-present trans- laundering (AML) solution is now in the Microsoft Azure
actions, with the goal of reducing fraud. The white Marketplace, an online store providing applications and
paper, Debit Routing and EMV® 3-D Secure, is available services for use on Azure. ThetaRay SONAR avail-
for download on the U.S. Payments Forum's website, ability on the the marketplace will enable easy global access to the solution using Microsoft Cloud, along with
streamlined deployment and management, ThetaRay
PARTNERSHIPS stated, adding that its AML solution enables payment
fintechs and banks to easily launch payment transaction
monitoring to secure global payments against money
HSBC, IBM collaborate laundering activity hidden within transactions, while
satisfying regulators and opening new revenue streams.
HSBC and IBM will work together in a three-year col-
laboration designed to bolster HSBC's expertise in quan-
tum computing and ensure its organizational readiness ACQUISITIONS
to take full advantage of the technology. As part of the
agreement, the partners stated, the bank will join the Escalent acquires Mercator Advisory Group
IBM Quantum Accelerator program, giving it access to
IBM's premium plan of quantum computing systems, Analytics and advisory firm Escalent acquired Mercator
including its recently announced 127-qubit processor, Advisory Group, a research and advisory firm that
Eagle, as well as IBM's quantum expertise, to help vali- serves the global payments industry. The addition
date and progress potential quantum use cases. HSBC of Mercator's seasoned, talented analysts to Javelin
said it will explore the use of quantum computing for Strategy & Research augments an industry-leading
pricing and portfolio optimization, to advance its net thought leadership powerhouse to support clients' pay-
zero goals, and to mitigate risks. ments needs, stated Escalent, which acquired Javelin
in December 2019. Joining Javelin's team, Mercator's
PXP, Profitroom team up analysts will continue to serve the firm's existing client
roster. Mercator's clients will also benefit from Javelin's
Acquiring and payment services firm PXP Financial deep financial services industry coverage across fraud
formed a partnership with Profitroom, a provider of and security, digital banking, lending and wealth man-
online sales and marketing services for leisure hotels and agement, Escalent added.
resorts worldwide. Since its launch in 2008, Profitroom