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                        Turbocharge deployments with

                              secure, direct-to-host POS

                                                               people or any other of the company's global sales channel
                                                               partners. The company's partner-friendly philosophy is un-
                                                               derscored by the company's commitment to customization,
                                                               he stated, adding that Miura doesn't take a one-size-fits-all
                                                               approach to payment integrations.

                                                               "Miura provides our partners with expert guidance and as-
                    iura Systems, a global payment technology   sistance to determine the very best devices, configurations
                    and mobile POS solutions provider, enhanced   and feature sets for each unique business environment, and
                    its Secure Payment Application (SPA), a solu-  that includes organizations that are developing proprietary
        M tion  designed  to  facilitate  secure,  seamless    payment apps," Krahl said.
        POS implementation and deployment.
                                                               Krahl emphasized that Miura is a global solutions provid-
        Jeremy Krahl, vice president, North American strategic   er with extensive knowledge, expertise and connections
        partnerships for processors, ISOs and gateways, stated that   around the world. All Miura products are compliant and
        disparate payment platforms, EMV kernels and evolving   certified to operate internationally, and with millions of de-
        security and compliance mandates can add costs, complexi-  vices deployed in dozens of countries, Miura is well posi-
        ties and time to payment solution deployments.         tioned to support U.S. partners operating both domestically
                                                               and internationally, he stated.
        "Miura's SPA makes it easier to navigate these obstacles,"   Simplified software development
        Krahl said. "Independent sales organizations (ISOs), agents,
        independent  software  vendors  (ISVs),  system  integrators,  Miura representatives noted that the M10, M020 and M021
        gateways and more, have the ability to deploy the Miura  device families are standardized, reliable and cost effective.
        M020/21 line of devices quickly and easily with a modern,  In addition, they stated, their common framework and op-
        robust and competitively priced certified payment solu-  erating system make developing and updating Miura soft-
        tion."                                                 ware and devices simple and straightforward.
        Semi-integrated connectivity                           Fred Nelson, vice president, North American ISV Channel

        Krahl went on to say that SPA, when combined with point-  Development, pointed out that the Miura family of POS
        to-point encryption, isolates the POS application from sen-  applications and devices also use the same EMV kernels,
        sitive payment data. This semi-integrated connectivity pro-  which further simplifies deployment and implementation.
        vides payments infrastructure that is descoped from PCI   "Miura's M10 and M020/21 devices have comprehensive ca-
        DSS requirements, including often lengthy PA-DSS certifi-  pabilities that address complex needs of multiple, diverse
        cations for POS apps. In short, SPA reduces the time, labor   operating environments with standardized, reliable  and
        and costs associated with PCI compliance, he noted.    cost-effective equipment configurations," he said.

        "Unlike other semi-integrated solutions, SPA connects di-  The common architecture within Miura's product family
        rectly to processors, which eliminates gateway fees," Krahl   gives the company's apps and devices a distinct competi-
        added. "That's a big deal and SPA's application program-  tive advantage, Nelson added, noting other POS equipment
        ming interface is simple and easy to use."             manufacturers typically employ a dozen or more devices to
                                                               address the same feature-set, often with disparate operat-
        SPA speeds certification cycles, Krahl stated, which enables   ing systems and kernels.
        organizations to be up and running and fully certified
        within weeks as opposed to months or even years of lab   "With Miura, ISOs, agents, processors, gateways and other
        testing, quality assurance and processor certification. In   channel partners can minimize development and support
        addition, he said, SPA is designed to scale across numerous   overhead costs by having a consistent offering—all while
        business segments, and its broad compatibility can support   increasing payments revenues," Nelson said.
        a diversity of use cases and enable commerce anywhere,   Company: Miura Systems
        including indoor, outdoor, curbside and self-service kiosks.
                                                                 Product: Miura's Secure Payment Application (SPA)
        Processor agnostic, partner-centric
        Krahl pointed out that Miura never competes with ISOs,   Contact:
        ISVs, MSPs, payment processors, merchant level sales-
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