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        Boost profit, increase                                       For more information on buy now, pay later developments, see the

        sales with BNPL                                            following articles from The Green Sheet archives:

                                                                     •  "Buy now, pay later is in the CFPB's crosshairs," by David Haber,
        By Sherrie Bryant                                              Global Legal Law Firm, Feb. 14, 2022, issue 22:02:01
                                                                     •  "Making BNPL credit reporting work," by Srii Srinivasan,
                  etailers have long understood the value of offer-    Chargeback Gurus, Feb. 28, 2022, issue 22:02:02
                  ing instant options at checkout, both in stores
                  and online, by accepting digital wallets, local    •  "BNPL: No time like now," by Dale S. Laszig, DSL Direct LLC and The
        R currencies, loyalty points, touchless payment                  Green Sheet Inc., March 28, 2022, issue 22:03:02.
        methods or installment plans at point of purchase. Over
        time, checkouts became more and more fluid in response
        to consumers' nomadic, digital lifestyles. Consumers    Full study results can be found at
        embraced buy online, pick up in store (BOPIS), mobile in-  Sustainable finance option
        store checkouts on personal devices and sales associates'
        POS tablets, curbside checkouts and order ahead.        BNPL provides shoppers with immediate access to
                                                                products and services without paying the full value
        All of these behaviors accelerated during the pandemic   upfront and without added fees if payments are made on
        by enabling shoppers to safely patronize their favorite   time. This cost-effective alternative to traditional credit
        stores and restaurants. Buy now, pay later (BNPL) grew   methods gives consumers a budgeting tool, Accenture
        exponentially during this period.                       researchers noted.
        What is BNPL?
                                                                "As a result, the number of BNPL users in the US has grown
        BNPL  has  been  compared  to  layaway,  installment  plans   by more than 300 percent per year since 2018, reaching 45
        and  other  types of retail  financing,  but its  pricing,  risk   million active users in 2021 who are spending more than
        models, technology and customer experience are different.   $20.8 billion," researchers wrote. "This is equivalent to 2.4
        Most BNPL service providers pay merchants in full upon   percent of US online retail and 12 percent of US online
        purchase while allowing approved customers, who         fashion retail. It is estimated that BNPL users in the US
        agree to monthly payments with no added fees, to take   will gain $1.6 billion in surplus value from using BNPL
        immediate ownership of a product or service.            services in 2021."
                                                                A solution to embed
        Approvals are also immediate. Modern BNPL solutions are
        powered by advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence   Researchers also noted that continued growth of
        and machine learning; deployments have been mostly      ecommerce and digital payments is reflected by changing
        seamless.                                               consumer preferences, which increasingly favor interest-
        Benefits for merchants                                  free borrowing and budgeting features over traditional
                                                                credit options.
        The Economic Impact of Buy Now, Pay Later in the US,
        a September 2021 independent study by Accenture that    BNPL works best as part of an end-to-end digital
        was commissioned by BNPL provider Afterpay, cited       commerce solution powered by integrated technologies.
        the following benefits researchers attributed to BNPL   Its advanced capabilities can complement your family of
        deployments:                                            solutions by driving instant approvals, recurring revenue
            • Increase average ticket: Merchants offering BNPL   and sustainable financing options at point of purchase.
             at point of purchase saw a 17 percent bump in basket   Your payment facilitator partner and payment gateway
             sizes.                                             provider can help you customize and embed a BNPL
            • Increase sales revenue:  Merchants implementing   solution in your technology suite to make it a seamless
             BNPL can increase annual sales revenue by enabling   extension of your services and brand.
             customers to purchase high-ticket items they might
             not otherwise have been able to afford.            Sherrie Bryant, director of marketing at payment solutions provider
            • Attract new customers: Merchants who participated   VyaPay, is a senior marketing executive with over two decades of experi-
             in the study attracted nearly 13 percent more new   ence. She has a track record of success in creating and leading effective
             customers after implementing BNPL.                 marketing organizations with emphasis on channel management,
            • Retain existing customers:  Merchants on average   partner relationship management, and business development activities
             can save customers up to $459 million in credit card   in the payment and POS space. She offers expertise in finding, building,
             fees by offering the BNPL service, a guaranteed way   and leveraging relationships that power revenue growth. Contact her at
             to drive customer satisfaction.          
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