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        Kantor also urged lawmakers to press the Federal Reserve   "Regulations that exclusively focus on card payments, and
        to finalize changes to the Durbin Amendment rule set to   do  not take  into  account  the  influx  of  new players  and
        ensure merchants can choose between two unaffiliated    payment methods in our industry could shift consumer
        networks for processing debit card payments.            spending to payment options that are less secure and
                                                                more expensive, and that do not demonstrate the same
        The Fed proposed changes to debit interchange rules in   commitment to efficiency, transparency and security that
        2021 in response to complaints that card-issuing banks are   payment networks like Visa have dedicated themselves to
        slow-walking programming changes needed to support      for decades," he said.
        "PINless debit," an option that supports  contactless and
        online debit card payments. Merchants say the option    "As volumes increase, the risk of fraud increases,"
        would support routing these transactions through less   Kirkpatrick added. "Mastercard spends billions of dollars
        expensive regional EFT networks.                        to protect consumers against fraud." Kantor, however,
                                                                challenged suggestions that regulation will lead to more
        The Fed has received over 1,000 comments on the proposed   fraud. "Other parts of the world haven't found the parade of
        changes, including letters of support from the Department   problems they talk about despite regulating interchange,"
        of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. The DOJ and   he said.
        FTC share jurisdiction for federal antitrust laws; the FTC
        is in charge of enforcing the card brands' compliance with   Given the political gridlock in Washington, insiders say
        the Durbin Amendment.                                   the chances of interchange legislation remains slim. But
                                                                more hearings are likely. "This conversation will continue,"
        Bankers vehemently oppose the proposed rule change. In   Durbin said before adjourning the May 4 hearing.
        submitted testimony the ABA-led banking groups went so
        far as to call for repeal of the Durbin Amendment. "Study   Patti  Murphy  is  senior  editor  at  The Green Sheet  and  self-described
        after study has found that the Durbin Amendment has
        failed to lower retail prices as merchants promised," the   payments maven of the fourth estate. Follow her on Twitter @GS_
        group stated.                                           PayMaven.
        They also pointed to evidence that debit interchange
        increased for about a third of small merchants after the
        debit interchange caps took effect, with merchants selling        Snapshot of Upcoming Events
        small-ticket items being the hardest hit. "Repealing this
        law will prevent these harms from continuing to mount,"
        the group insisted.
        A taxing question

        Durbin's proposal to exempt state and local sales tax
        from interchange calculations could prove troublesome
        for acquirers and processors."It would prove very
        challenging  [from  a  technology  perspective]  and  the                 June 13 - 15, 2022
        costs associated with such a change would ultimately be
        born by the citizens of the state," said Scott Talbott, senior             Loews Midtown Atlanta
        vice president for government relations at the Electronic       
        Transactions Association.

        Efforts by state lawmakers to pass similar legislation have
        failed. Earlier this year, for example, Idaho voted down a
        law that would require processors to "deduct the amount
        of any tax imposed from the calculation of interchange
        fees specific to each form of electronic payment transaction
        at the time or settlement" or they would have to rebate
        an amount equal to the interchange on the tax amount.
        Similar legislation has been voted down in Wisconsin,
        Colorado,  Illinois,  Indiana,  Tennessee,  Virginia  and
        Mississippi, Talbott said.                                          September 7- 8 2022

        Think carefully about regulation                                  Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach
        If Congress considers regulating payments, it should take
        into consideration all new payment rails, Sheedy stated.

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