Page 37 - GS221102
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                                   Thanksgiving matters

                  lack Friday's influence may be waning, but the   Religious and secular communities throughout human
                  Thanksgiving holiday remains as significant as   history have given thanks in rituals, hymns, collections
                  ever. Shopping begins earlier and is done in a   and other means.
        B variety of ways that didn't exist in days of yore.
        But many people in the United States still enjoy officially   Reaching out in multiple ways
        kicking off the holiday season by gathering with friends   Today, in addition to enjoying traditional Thanksgiving
        and family to share a meal of traditional North American   dinners with family and friends, many people reach out
        foods, and giving thanks for all the good things life pro-  to express gratitude to a variety of people who make a
        vides, along with valuable lessons learned.             difference in their lives day in, day out. Whether it's a
                                                                heartfelt email message, phone call, physical card, in-
        It makes sense to give thanks throughout the year,      person visit, or shout out on social media, scores of people
        developing an "an attitude of gratitude," as Zig Ziglar used   in the payments industry have been letting their current
        to say. Ziglar was a consummate salesman, author and    merchant customers, partners, vendors, support staff
        motivational speaker who inspired many merchant level   and contractors know just how much those relationships
        salespeople in the payments industry's formative years.   mean to them. It's an extra touch that demonstrates caring
        However, it's easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind   beyond a limited, close-knit circle.
        and forget to appreciate what you have while pursuing
        new goals. Thus, rituals like Thanksgiving serve as a   And at this time, while I appreciate events and people,
        gentle reminder to slow down, pause and reflect on what's   both close to home and across the globe, that are making a
        good.                                                   positive difference in the world, I'm thinking in particular
                                                                of the hard-working, brilliant readers who subscribe to
        The United States isn't the only country that celebrates   and rely on The Green Sheet, as well as the partners who
        in this way. Canadians, for example, celebrate their    help us in multiple ways to carry out our mission.
        Thanksgiving holiday in October. Germans celebrate
        Erntedankfest, a religious holiday of thanksgiving in   It is for you and because of you that we continue to exist,
        October; People in Liberia, which was established by freed   and while I do foster an "attitude of gratitude" throughout
        slaves from the United States, celebrate the holiday in   the year, I want you to know, as we embark upon the 2022
        November.                                               holiday season, how very much my Green Sheet colleagues
                                                                and I appreciate you.
        Also in November, Japanese people take part in Kinro
        Kansha no  Hi,  which  is derived  from  an  ancient  rice
        harvest festival. Long before colonists arrived in North
        America, indigenous people held festivals, giving thanks
        at harvest time.                                                              Kate Gillespie, President and CEO

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