Page 35 - GS221102
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N      ew          Pr        oducts

                      Securely issue, process, manage

                                  checks from anywhere

                                          P Technology, a pay-       check printing from a desktop computer. Users can
                                          ment  software  and        create and modify form overlays, with auto-selection
                                          service provider for       for  each  overlay  and  printer,  for  multiple  checking
                                A financial           institu-       accounts while assigning up to 12 objects and seven
                                tions and all types of business-     graphics to each form.
                                es, added SecureCheck 9 to its
                                growing line of remote print-  Automated, efficient, customized workflows
                                ing and payment management     Describing SecureCheck 9 as a comprehensive technology
                                solutions. Designed to enhance   suite for end-to-end check issuance and payment process-
                                security, speed and efficiency,   ing, Wilfahrt noted the solution simplifies the entire work-
                                the all-in-one solution includes   flow lifecycle, from remote check printing and approvals,
        business check processing, remote check printing and total   enhanced event log histories and reporting to real-time
        check issuance, the company stated.                    notifications and remote check approvals, signatures and
                                                               printing. SecureCheck 9 replaces inefficient, vulnerable,
        Greg Wilfahrt, chief mobility and marketing officer at AP   manual processes with reliable, secure approval workflow
        Technology, noted SecureCheck 9 combines next-generation   automation, Wilfahrt noted, adding that users receive text
        security with modern encryption and is compatible with   and email notifications, which means they no longer have
        Windows 11 and all accounting systems. "SecureCheck 9 is   to remember to approve payments.
        enhanced, modernized check issuance for the 21st century,"
        he said. "The platform combines innovation, security, con-  "You have the ability to assign the number of signatures
        venience, flexibility and remote and local management ca-  required, based on check amount," he said. "The system
        pabilities, enabling users to customize workflows and save   tracks all users and activities, including successful or failed
        time and money."                                       user logins, modified permissions, updated check outlines
        Easy to configure, integrate, deploy                   and check print activity. In addition, users can arrange for
                                                               specified recipients to receive instant event notifications of
        SecureCheck  9, which complements the company's  print  all important check printing activity."
        and mail service, provides a range of popular features cre-
        ated to save users as much as 80 percent on payment pro-  Modernizing AP processes
        cessing costs.                                         AP Technology representatives stated that AP Technol-
        The solution even makes traditional checks faster, more se-  ogy is payment agnostic, enabling the company to serve a
        cure and less costly, simplifying everything from manual   diverse customer base and ease legacy system users into
        check  printing  to  enterprise-scale,  automated  workflows,   electronic payments at a pace that is comfortable for each
        Wilfahrt stated. He further cited the following key benefits:   client. Since its inception in 1989, AP Technology noted, it

            • Simple and user-friendly:  SecureCheck 9 is de-  has fostered a heritage of innovation through an array of
              signed to be easy to integrate, configure and manage.   secure, cost-effective software solutions such as Secure-
              The solution is Windows 11 and Server 2022 compat-  Check, APSecure, SecurePay and Checkrun.
              ible, can be integrated with any accounting system
              and includes remote check approval, signature and   Checkrun, for example, is an SaaS solution that synchro-
              printing capabilities.                           nizes with QuickBooks Online to enable accountants and
                                                               bookkeepers of smaller businesses to manage multiple ac-
            • Securely architected: SecureCheck 9 uses next-gen-  counts at once through a mobile approval app. The com-
              eration security and multilayered encryption. Its cus-  pany noted the Checkrun mobile app has built-in Positive
              tomizable security permissions enable users to as-  Pay protection and supports local check printing, ACH,
              sign administrative and printing permissions based  and Print and Mail payment services. It also includes fea-
              on user roles and responsibilities and assign double  tures such as advanced scheduling, bill pay and payment
              logins where applicable. In addition, SecureCheck 9's  workflows.
              enhanced and highly secure image archive supports
              a range of images, including mobile and remote de-            Company: AP Technology
              posit capture.
                                                                            Product: SecureCheck 9
            • Flexibly designed: SecureCheck 9 features custom-             Website:
              izable workflows and automatable positive pay files.
              A  manual  check  option  facilitates  secure  manual         Contact:

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