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                       Stop friendly fraud chargebacks

                          fast with predictive analytics

                                                               merchants lost $4.8 billion to first-party misuse in 2020, he
                                                               stated, which is the most recent year for which that data is
                                                               Help merchants unlock benefits

                                                               ISOs, MSPs and merchant level salespeople can help
                                                               merchants  predict  and  stop  chargebacks  and  maintain
                                                               healthy chargeback ratios using Ari, which Dakshina
                  hargeback Gurus, a global leader in chargeback   noted, is the payments industry's first predictive engine. In
                  risk mitigation services  for  ecommerce and   addition to helping mitigate chargeback revenue loss, the
                  retail businesses, launched  Ari, a chargeback   solution delivers the following benefits:
        C prevention solution that uses predictive ana-
        lytics to alert merchants of potential first-party misuse   • Stop revenue loss: By acting on the intelligence Ari
        by highlighting transactions that have a higher chance of    provides, merchants can reduce the revenue they
        being disputed, according  to  Suresh  Dakshina,  president   lose to chargebacks while avoiding the higher cost of
        and co-founder of Chargeback Gurus.                          a chargeback alert.

        "Existing chargeback prevention alerts are only triggered   • Flag high-risk transactions: Ari analyzes transactions
        after  the  buyer  has  disputed  the  charge,"  he  said.  "In   before fulfillment, detecting those that are likely to
        addition,  these alerts  can  only prevent  a chargeback  if  a   become chargebacks, allowing merchants to take
        refund is issued immediately. Ari provides a more effective   steps to reduce their risk.
        solution for merchants to minimize first-party misuse
        without losing revenue to constant refunds."               • Minimize chargeback risk: Ari diverts high-risk
                                                                     customers to alternative payment methods or
        Dakshina went on to say that Chargeback Gurus has            payment flows, helping merchants reduce chargeback
        helped numerous service providers mitigate risk of first-    risk without losing revenue.
        party misuse, which is also called "friendly fraud," because
        the people who are committing fraud are frequently a       • Stop first party misuse (friendly fraud): Ari predicts
        merchant's own customers. The company has been solving       and prevents chargebacks with high precision before
        merchant pain points for decades, he stated, using his       merchants
        company's experience across various verticals to build a   Protect against fraud-related loss
        chargeback prevention solution with predictive analytics
        and  low-code/no-code integration to  minimize resources  Merchants who don't take steps to mitigate this risk can
        needed for implementation.                             lose up to 10 percent of total revenue, Sampathkumar
                                                               stated,  noting  that  most  merchants  have  no  reliable  way
        Mitigate ecommerce, retail fraud                       to determine which transactions are most likely to be
        Chargeback Gurus Chief Product Officer Damodharan      disputed due to first-party misuse. By identifying this
        Sampathkumar pointed out that Chargeback Gurus has     gap in merchant fraud and chargeback protection, he
        consistently focused on helping channel partners enhance   noted, Chargeback Gurus has pioneered a visionary new
        business value.                                        technology to help merchants more effectively mitigate
        "We believe that Ari will create a ground-breaking shift in
        the payments industry," he said. "Ari not only detects high-  "Ari is an AI-driven predictive analytics engine that uses
        risk transactions but also recommends a course of action   data gathered from millions of chargebacks to identify
        based  on  its  analysis.  By  customizing  our  algorithms  to   transactions that have a higher chance of being disputed,"
        account for industry-specific challenges rather than having   he said.  "This information allows merchants to prevent
        a generic model, we've achieved phenomenal results so   revenue loss by blocking these transactions or requiring
        far in effectively identifying transactions that are prone to   additional authentication."
        first-party misuse."
                                                                  Company: Chargeback Gurus
        Sampathkumar     mentioned   that  first-party  misuse    Product: Ari
        chargebacks have long been a challenge for both ecommerce
        and retail merchants, and Chargeback Gurus estimates that   Website:
        upward of 70 percent of chargebacks are caused by first-  Contact:
        party  misuse.  In  fact,  a  recent  study  by  found
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