Page 18 - GS231202_flipbook
P. 18


                                                                   4. Ghosting by sales associates: Sales associates are
               The very point of sale                              in high demand these days due to labor shortages and
               The ve
                            point of sale
                                                                   the Great Resignation following the outbreak of Covid
                                                                   19. An aging population, skill shortages and evolving
                                                                   workplace expectations also make good help hard to
                                                                   find. Sales associates who walk away, don't look up or
                                                                   otherwise avoid responding to customers are an even
                                                                   more troubling trend. Whatever happened to "be right
                                                                   with you" or "sorry for the wait"?

                                                                   5. Lack of punctuality:  Businesses need to open on
                                                                   schedule in keeping with posted business hours. Any-
        Holiday season's                                           one who has looked up a store's hours of service or
                                                                   the exact time for opening bids at online ticketing and
        blooper reel                                               auction sites will expect merchants to respect them by
                                                                   being on time. Stephen Hawking once said, "Half the
                                                                   battle is showing up." So do it. A slow-moving employ-
                                                                   ee who begrudgingly unlocks a door 10 minutes after
        By Dale S. Laszig                                          opening time is not a good look.
                 he other day, during an interview, a source used   6. Lack of product knowledge: Retailers sell products
                 the term "service provider," and I heard "surface   and services that consumers can buy from anyone,
                 provider." The phonetic similarities reminded     anywhere using phones and laptops. Knowledgeable,
        T me of six retail bloopers that happen every holi-        friendly staff and merchandise that people can touch
        day season and seem quaint by modern standards. Despite    and try on are reasons why consumers prefer in-store
        our progress  toward interoperability and  fluid, intuitive   to  online shopping. Sales associates  who don't know
        commerce, some merchants are still acting like it's 1995.  their products or don't engage with customers hurt a
                                                                   company's bottom line. Training and mentorship pro-
        Here are examples of decidedly retro trends in online,     grams can help create engaged associates.
        mobile and in-store commerce:
                                                                Peak performance needed
            1. Too many choices: Personalization at scale is fun-
            damental to today's commerce methods, but if a re-  For the last five years, holiday spend has accounted for
            tailer hasn't had a chance to get to know a customer,   19 percent or more of annual retail sales, according to the
            in-store POS is not the place to start. A customer check-  National Retail Federation. NRF predicts over $950 billion
            ing out during the holiday season would prefer not to   in November and December sales this year, according to
            see a thousand payment options on a screen, or to be   Matthew Shay, NRF president and CEO. "It is not surprising
            prompted to answer a survey or give a sales associate   to see holiday sales growth returning to pre-pandemic
            five stars. That person wants to check out and leave.  levels," Shay stated. "Overall household finances remain in
                                                                good shape and will continue to support the consumer's
            2. Too few choices: Chatbots that recite multiple choice   ability to spend."
            questions are a staple of today's call centers but do not
            always provide enough options. Frustrated callers who   NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz observed that annual
            search for the right button to push—one that best de-  holiday spend is increasing by an average of 3.6 percent.
            scribes their issue—can get stuck in an endless loop, or   "Consumers remain in the driver's seat and are resilient
            worse, get disconnected by systems that have no toler-  despite headwinds of inflation, higher gas prices, stringent
            ance for matters that don't fit the call-in script. It makes   credit conditions and elevated interest rates," he said.
            sense to offer an "it's something else" button to avoid
            alienating customers.                               This holiday season, merchants need committed partners,
                                                                not just technology. Let's help them eliminate bloopers and
            3. Stalking by sales associates: Sales associates occa-  become true retail stars.
            sionally take courtesy and attentiveness too far by fol-
            lowing customers as they browse, repeatedly asking if   Dale S. Laszig, senior staff writer at The Green Sheet and founder and
            they're ready to buy. Some need to replace the saying,   CEO at DSL Direct LLC, is a payments industry journalist and content
            "always be closing" with "never be annoying." Online   strategist. Connect via email, LinkedIn  www.
            shoppers may also have privacy concerns when they and Twitter
            see recently-browsed items reappear in their Facebook
            and YouTube feeds. Salespeople and ecommerce mer-
            chants need to respect individual privacy by giving
            customers more breathing room.
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