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           2023, another big, bold year for payments

                  s we approach the end of 2023, I'm thinking of   In 2023, we also saw a growing awareness among our
                  what a remarkable journey all of us involved in   peers of the importance of sustainability. Companies large
                  the payments and fintech sphere are on togeth-  and small researched ways to reduce their carbon foot-
        A er. Facing inevitable challenges within and           print and promote environmentally responsible practices,
        outside of the industry, we are collectively a testament to   and launched eco-friendly initiatives like carbon-neutral
        resilience, innovation and adaptability. Here are just some   operations and sustainable supply chain practices.
        of the highlights that come to my mind right now.
                                                                Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide have en-
        One noteworthy, but not unexpected, development in 2023   deavored to establish  clear  guidelines, particularly  for
        was the continued acceleration of digital payments. Pay-  digital currencies and data protection. And interchange
        ments enterprises helped facilitate the shift toward con-  and network access are issues that seem never to be far
        tactless payments with the onset of the COVID 19 pan-   from regulators' minds, particularly U.S. Senator Dick
        demic and have continued to innovate to help contactless   Durbin. It is a great boon that we have organizations such
        payments reach new heights. Consumers and merchants     as the Electronic Transactions Association actively advo-
        alike love the convenience of digital payment methods, in-  cating on behalf of the industry and endeavoring to ed-
        cluding mobile wallets, QR codes, virtual cards and more.   ucate our elected officials so they can avoid unintended
        Plus, the launch of FedNow in July was another step to-  consequences of their endeavors to protect consumers.
        ward satisfying the thirst in the market for safe, speedy
        payments.                                               Thinking about organizations, 2023 saw many fantastic
                                                                tradeshows. The regional acquirers associations continue
        Blockchain and cryptocurrencies continue to gain trac-  to shine. The educational offerings, spirit of sharing and
        tion, too, despite high-profile implosions such as the de-  valuable networking opportunities provided at their af-
        mise of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange and exposure of   fordable annual meetings are unparalleled. Plus, we have
        the outrageous actions of the company's founder, Samuel   more groups offering conferences dedicated to distinct in-
        Bankman-Fried. Bitcoin, ethereum, and other cryptocur-  dustry niches than ever before. We are always pleased to
        rencies continued to gain acceptance as legitimate forms   list these in our calendar of events.
        of payment. And major financial institutions started to in-
        tegrate blockchain technology into their operations with   As many of you know, in October this year, we celebrated
        the goal of providing faster, more transparent, and secure   the 40th anniversary of The Green Sheet. Serving this in-
        payment  processing  solutions.  This,  I  believe,  exempli-  dustry has been an uplifting and rewarding challenge.
        fies our industry's commitment to technological advance-  Thank you to our inspiring partners and loyal readers for
        ments that can open doors to new opportunities.         making our ongoing efforts possible.
        Our industry has also made strides in promoting finan-
        cial inclusivity through partnerships between fintech
        companies and traditional financial institutions that have
        expanded access to financial services for underserved
        populations. We can all be proud that microloans, digital
        wallets  for  the unbanked,  and affordable payment pro-                      Kate Gillespie, President and CEO
        cessing options have empowered individuals and small
        businesses around the world.

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