Product: Heartland Campus Solutions WEPA program
Company: Heartland Payment Systems Inc.
With funding cutbacks continuing to tap university resources, many campuses are scrambling to reduce overhead costs. Understanding this dilemma, Heartland Payment Systems Inc. formed Heartland Campus Solutions in 2007 and rolled out a broad-based product called the Campus OneCard System, which provides unique campus card programs, access control and security systems, and cost-effective payment processing for campuses nationwide.
Heartland now has a new player on campus: WEPA. The acronym stands for Wireless Everywhere Print Anywhere. WEPA provides a cost-effective, turnkey, cloud-based printing network that eliminates institutional dependence on equipment purchases or leases, hardware and software licenses, as well as maintenance and server integration fees.
"Given the rapid adoption of cloud-based applications and data storage, we wanted to help take campuses to the next level with cloud-based printing services," said Fred Emery, Vice President and General Manager of Heartland Campus Solutions. Heartland's WEPA kiosk program will initially be installed at the University of West Florida, but the company is working with other campuses interested in incorporating WEPA into their existing Campus OneCard systems as well.
"WEPA allows campuses to outsource a good deal of their print-related functions," Emery said. "They will place kiosks on campus, and students can send jobs to print from anywhere Internet service is provided. Students go up to the kiosk, log in or swipe their Campus OneCard, and it will retrieve their print jobs and print them out." A USB jump-drive may also be used to download documents at kiosks.
Registered students can select a method of payment and print documents at kiosks located in student unions, libraries, computer labs, classrooms and residence halls. The WEPA system integrates with Heartland's Campus OneCard, a multifunctional campus card program used for identification, bookstore transactions, dining and vending services, laundry, entertainment, copy and print management, and other applications.
"OneCard is prepaid debit, so you have to have money in the account in order to utilize the function," Emery said, adding that WEPA enables students to use a Campus OneCard or choose to pay with a credit or debit card. "In our relationship [with WEPA], we're working directly with the campuses," he pointed out. "They do need to have the OneCard component behind it to accept the campus ID cards."
"Once you start adding in pay-for-print solutions, you see the number of print jobs drop on campuses that were allowing free print services previously," Emery noted. "The students think twice before they send a job to print, because now they have to pay for it. So it really cuts down on wasted paper and saves on a lot of natural resources."
Emery said WEPA manages the entire print service, so universities can outsource all document printing functions. "WEPA has the personnel in place to handle all that," he said. "They get notifications through their system when toner is getting low, when paper is getting low. If there are any issues, they can dispatch someone to take care of it. We can process the transactions for the campus card and allow WEPA to handle the technical side of the printing."
As an integrated part of the Heartland Campus OneCard System, the WEPA program will be available through Heartland Campus Solutions' and Heartland Payment Systems' sales divisions.
Heartland Payment Systems Inc.
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