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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

December 24, 2012 • Issue 12:12:02

New Products

More leads in less time

Product: Press 1 Campaign
Company: Live Reps Call Center

For over a decade, Cincinnati-based Live Reps Call Center has operated a personalized call center for organizations seeking to outsource outbound and inbound telephone campaigns. The company believes that in that time, it has perfected the art of interactive voice response (IVR) for clients.

Now ISOs can take advantage of this service. The Press 1 Campaign created by Live Reps is designed to deliver a cost-effective strategy for generating leads that frees agents to focus on closing sales.

"It's the same technology that is used for the political campaigns," said Steve Wachs, Chief Executive Officer and Founding Partner of Live Reps. "It's basically a 30-second message that's sent to a targeted list of prospects daily.

"The message can pertain to credit card savings, lending or really anything." Live Reps noted that it offers voice talent for a nominal fee and provides guidance on message content to help optimize response.

Businesses receiving the messages that respond by pressing 1 on their phones can be routed directly to the ISO or its sales department for a quote, or they can be routed to a Live Reps professionally trained call center representative.

"We can qualify that inbound caller and ask them specific questions," Wachs said. "An ISO called us from Texas who was running an IVR, and he literally could not field all the calls. So many calls were coming in seven days a week that he called us to handle his inbound calls to qualify the leads." Live Reps can instruct merchants to email statements or provide information about their credit card processing patterns, he noted.

Qualified leads are submitted to ISOs via email, fax or through a customer relationship management system. Unlike other companies with similar systems for contacting businesses, with Live Reps, if someone should press 2, the opt-out function, they're never contacted again, Wachs noted.

"In your industry, this is the best way I've found to reach customers, because if you do it manually, it burns out your people and takes forever," Wachs said. "We like helping businesses grow, and it's just a very cost-effective way of helping them grow." Live Reps generally prefers to work with lists provided by ISOs. Pricing, which is negotiable, is generally based on blocks of 10,000 calls.

Live Reps Call Center
www.liverepscallcenter.com end of article

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