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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

December 12, 2022 • Issue 22:12:01


Give yourself a dynamic assessment for 2022

This month many people are assessing their performance for the year coming to a close. There are many ways people do this, because each person has distinct priorities and inclinations, and that makes sense. But one thing to watch out for when reviewing your performance metrics is to keep the process fresh.

It's easy to fall into repeating the same assessment process year after year and in doing so, slipping into a rote mode that doesn't lead to new insights. Instead it leads to creative stagnation.

That's the funny thing about the human mind. Something that is striking when you first learn of it can become dull when repeated over time to the point where you're no longer paying much attention to the meaning or goal behind it.

In "3 ways to combat stale ideas," published in Entrepreneur, Lindsay Broder wrote, "Entrepreneurs know better than anyone the ups and downs of running a successful business. We thrive on good ideas and communication. And sometimes we just get stuck. We need to find ways to fight stale ideas and get back to the creative, disruptive and innovative thinking that fuels us."

Prevent lackluster assessments

Broder suggested three ways to combat stale ideas: hire a coach, talk less and listen more, and study. Since coaches typically come from outside of your organization, they can provide an objectivity unattainable in-house, which can lead to fresh insights at year's end. So this could be a good fit for some payments companies. I expect Broder's second suggestion to talk less and listen more is second nature to you, because as ISOs, merchant level salespeople and other professionals in the merchant acquiring sphere, you know how critical this singular ability is to your success. Another way to freshen the act of listening is to ask for feedback from a different group than you usually do. Do you rely strictly on data? Do you interview people? If you do consult people, whom else could you interview to gain new perspectives on your company's or your individual professional performance?

Spending time studying is an activity just about any leader can benefit from. One way to study is to read in-depth articles and watch educational videos online. The amount of information we have at our fingertips on just about all areas of knowledge, including how to conduct a year-end assessment, is astounding. There are platforms, like teachable, too, where experts offer courses you can take at your own pace. And live webinars where expert presentations are followed by Q&As are plentiful.

Get into high gear

So while you are about to bid farewell to one year and bring in another, "old" doesn't need to apply to the way you assess your results for the past twelve months. Bright ideas and innovations don't have to wait until January. Kick yourself into high gear right now. Do that with the best, most innovative and inspiring look at your performance you can devise. This will be energizing and help you breeze confidently into strategic planning for a dynamic year ahead. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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