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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

September 23, 2024 • Issue 24:09:02

New Products

New PXP Partner Portal upgrades partner experience

Payment services provider PXP Financial, launched its new Partner Portal designed to revolutionize the merchant application journey and enhance the partner experience. This advanced platform streamlines the application process, saving partners time and reducing administrative burdens PXP stated.

With features like automated checks, digital submissions, and real-time updates, the Partner Portal ensures accuracy and transparency, leading to faster processing and approvals the company added.

Katharina Richter-Weiss, COO at PXP Financial, emphasized the company's mission to empower partners by simplifying their workflows, allowing them to focus on growing their businesses. CTO Salvatore Cicero added that the Partner Portal is part of PXP's ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence, with future enhancements planned to keep partners competitive in the market.

Complementing PXP's existing services, including acquiring and aggregation services, smart risk scoring, and industry-based pricing, the Partner Portal is set to provide partners with a significant competitive edge, PXP stated. With offices in multiple countries and a diverse team, PXP Financial said it continues to lead in the payments industry by delivering best-in-class service and dedicated client care.

"We are all about ambitious objectives within an open culture of communication," the company stated. "PXP Financial sets standards of operational excellence, best-in-class service and dedicated client care to help businesses thrive." For more information, visit pxpfinancial.com. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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