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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

September 23, 2024 • Issue 24:09:02


7 steps for hosting a dynamic DIY tradeshow

If you have a growing payments business, hosting a one-day, in-person event can be a fantastic way to celebrate the achievements of your merchant level salespeople, in-house customer service reps and technical support staff, and key partners.

Modeled after regional acquirers shows, but on a much smaller scale, such an event can strengthen existing partnerships, foster new connections and show appreciation for the people who are contributing to your success.

Here's a guide for pulling off this type of event in style.

1. Define your objectives

Start by clarifying the primary goals of your event. Defining your objectives will guide every other decision you make, from selecting a venue to designing the agenda. For this type of event, the focus could be on celebrating accomplishments, networking, and providing value through learning opportunities and strategic discussions.

2. Choose an accessible venue

Select a venue that is easy for all attendees to reach, including partners who are unfamiliar with your locale. Consider a local hotel with conference facilities, a country club, or a community event center.

Ensure has adequate space for vendor booths, a stage or area for presentations, and seating for any planned dining or awards programs. The venue should also accommodate or be close to facilities that can accommodate social activities such as a golf outing, live entertainment, etc.

3. Create a dynamic agenda

To keep the day engaging, design a varied agenda that balances formal and informal activities. Start with a welcoming keynote address to set the tone for the event and outline its purpose. Schedule educational sessions that address industry trends, such as use of AI in fraud prevention or chargeback mitigation, and ensure they provide value to salespeople, staff and partners.

Leave plenty of room for networking, and provide breaks where attendees can explore vendor booths and establish new connections. Consider ending the day with a dinner and awards program to recognize top performers and celebrate success stories.

4. Engage and include partners

Involve your key partners early in the planning process. Ask for their suggestions and offer them opportunities to set up booths or kiosks where they can showcase their latest products and services, and invite them to participate in panel discussions or give presentations.

This involvement not only provides valuable exposure for your partners, but also enhances the overall educational content of your event, making it more attractive to attendees.

5. Ensure effective event promotion

Promote your event well in advance to ensure maximum attendance. Use a mix of email marketing, social media and direct communication to reach your invitees. Create excitement by highlighting keynote speakers, special sessions and social activities. Consider using online event registration tools to streamline the process and keep track of RSVPs. This can be helpful even when you're not anticipating a large crowd.

6. Plan for seamless execution

Organize a dedicated event team responsible for different aspects of the event, from vendor coordination to attendee registration. Ensure you have the right technology in place, such as audiovisual equipment for presentations and software for managing check-ins. Additionally, prepare contingency plans for potential issues, like technical glitches or weather disruptions, to ensure everything runs smoothly.

7. Evaluate and follow up

After the event, gather feedback from attendees, partners and your in-house team to identify what worked well and what could be improved. Use surveys or feedback forms to capture insights. Follow up with attendees to thank them for their participation and to maintain the connections and momentum created during the event.

With thoughtful planning, a well-rounded agenda and effective promotion, your event could become an annual highlight that reinforces your company’s culture of appreciation and growth. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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