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A Thing Does Your Site Pass Legal Site Check?

Does Your Site Pass the Legal Site Check?

In our booming e-commerce economy if you’re on the Web you should educate yourself about issues that could affect your business. After all, increased electronic sales also mean greater exposure to potential liability. Legal Site Check is a business dedicated to the legalities of e-commerce and how it affects companies on the Web. They provide recommendations to help ensure that your site complies with all applicable laws. Legal issues affecting online businesses include jurisdiction, copyrights, trademarks, terms of business, consumer liability, domestic and international taxes (sales, VAT, and income), defamation and other tortious liability (e.g., Hyperlinks, Framing), domestic and international law, and regulation.

If you conduct business on the Internet you should be aware of these facts:

  • By 2002 businesses will buy and sell an estimated $327 billion worth of goods over the Internet.

  • By the end of 1997, more than 100 million people were using the Internet; by 2005, that number is likely to grow to one billion.

  • As of December 1996, 627,000 Internet domain names had been registered; by the end of 1997, the number of domain names more than doubled to 1.5 million.

  • Traffic on the Internet has been doubling every 100 days.

  • By 2003, over 9% of all business-to-business commerce is expected to be transacted over the Internet.

Even if those statistics haven’t convinced you that e-commerce is the future, you still need to be informed about the legal issues affecting online commerce. The ramifications of not knowing could be much worse than you might imagine. Check out for informational articles concerning e-commerce and the law, and to find out more about their company.

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