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A Thing Features vs. Benefits

Features vs. Benefits

W hen you're presenting your service, you are sure to point out the benefits, right? What are those benefits? Quieter printer? Smaller footprint? 24/7 Internet access?

Yes, those are benefits, but they also are tangible features. Do you differentiate the tangible features from the intangible benefits?

These benefits might include:

+ The up-sell conversation a merchant can have with a customer while the receipt is printing.

+ The impulse-purchase items that can be placed on the counter now that the smaller terminal opens up space.

+ The time freed up during business hours now that the merchant can check his or her account status online after the close of business.

Differentiating between your features and benefits is important because, in today's market, the features among competing products are growing more and more similar. Creating intangible benefits and demonstrating them to the merchant allows you to make your product unique and create a need for your brand.





 Copyright 2001 The Green Sheet, Inc.