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Here is just a taste of what is showcased on our Spotlight Innovator Pages.

        U MS is a New Jersey-based, comprehensive payment processing com-
                                                                pany with over 20 years experience in the payments industry. UMS
                                                                continues to introduce innovative payment solutions and services to
                                                                merchants and our commitment to excellent customer service has made
                                                UMS one of the top private processors in the nation.
                                           What’s New: Not all payment devices are created equal

W hen selling point-of-sale (POS) systems to restaurants, retail and salon merchants, one of the key steps
                    to finalizing a deal is ensuring your prospects and clients understand the differences and strengths of
                    all the hardware options in the marketplace. This step has become even more important in today’s mar-

                                   To read the rest of this story and learn more about this Spolight Innovator visit their page

        H arbortouch is a leading national supplier of point of sale (POS) systems,
                                                              credit card processing equipment and a full range of merchant services.
                                                              Ranked by the Nilson Report as one of the largest payment processors in
                                                              the United States, Harbortouch currently handles the merchant accounts
                                              for over 120,000 merchant locations and processes in excess of $10 billion annually,
                                              with those numbers continually increasing. The company offers an unparalleled
                                              free equipment program that supplies a full-featured POS system to restaurants and
                                              retail businesses with no up-front costs.
                                          What’s New: Making the Transition to POS

A s the payments and POS industries converge, it is becoming increasingly difficult for ISOs to remain com-
                petitive without offering a POS solution. POS systems are now more accessible than ever and merchants
                are better informed about the benefits that they provide. By adding a POS solution to your offerings, you
                can gain access to the higher volume, higher margin accounts......

                                   To read the rest of this story and learn more about this Spolight Innovator visit their page

          H eadquartered in Troy, Michigan, award-winning North
                                                                          American Bancard is an industry leader in credit card process-
                                                                          ing, providing a variety of merchant services that help client
                                                                          companies of all sizes develop solutions for payment process-
                                                          ing, including credit, debit, EBT, check conversion and guarantee, gift &
                                                          loyalty cards, and much more. As an MSP/ISO since 1992, North American
                                                          Bancard is dedicated to offering the highest service levels, exceptionally
                                                          competitive pricing, and the latest technology to its client companies,
                                                          including PayAnywhere, its proprietary point-of-sale (POS) solution. With
 over $34 billion worth of payments processed for more than 250,000 businesses every year, North American Bancard
 is determined to help American business prosper.
What’s New: Eliminating EMV pain for restaurants

I t’s true, the world of retail is now making strides in the U.S. EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa) migration.
         Traditional over-the-counter purchasing on EMV-capable point-of-sale (POS) systems has finally surpassed the
         tipping point and the trend is getting the U.S. closer to its overall conversion milestone.

                                   To read the rest of this story and learn more about this Spolight Innovator visit their page

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