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Insider’s report those payments rose 3.4 percent per year. Meanwhile, the
on payments: inflation rate hovered between 1 percent and 2 percent
annually during that period, while gross domestic product
grew at an average of about 2 percent per year. "The
distribution of noncash payments in 2015 is the outcome
of many decades of change," the Fed wrote. "Much of the
change has occurred in the new millennium."
Prepaid growth lags credit, traditional debit
Fed updates Debit cards continue to dominate the noncash payments
payments data pie, with more than twice as many transactions as there
were credit card payments in 2015. Credit cards are used
By Patti Murphy for larger payments, however, as the data indicates the total
value of credit card payments in 2015 exceeded that of debit
C ards – credit, and especially debit – continue to card payments by about 23 percent. The Fed's debit data
lead the charge toward noncash payments in includes payments using traditional debit cards (those tied
the United States, and card-not-present (CNP) to checking accounts) and all types of prepaid debit cards
transactions are rising sharply. Meanwhile, (general purpose, private-label store, government-issued,
growth in automated clearing house (ACH) payments is reloadable and single use).
slowing, as is the decline in check payments. These are
key trends revealed by the recently released 2016 Federal Credit card payments charted the fastest growth among
Reserve Payments Study. noncash payment formats. These payments increased at
an annual rate of 8 percent by number and 7.4 percent by
The Fed conducts extensive research into noncash payments value from 2012 to 2015, with most of that growth driven by
(exclusive of wire transfers) every three years, soliciting general purpose credit cards. In fact, the 6.9 billion increase
input from financial institutions and payment networks. in transactions since 2012 exceeded each of the previous
Its latest study details card, check and ACH payments three-year study periods for credit cards since 2000, the
in 2015. It also addresses card fraud and security trends. Fed noted.
For example, the study revealed that payments secured
with EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa) chips and chip The data also indicate a swift rise in CNP credit card
readers grew 230 percent between 2012 and 2015, but EMV transactions, accounting for 19 percent of all general-
cards accounted for just 2 percent of all in-person, general- purpose card payments in 2015, up from 16 percent in
purpose card payments in 2015. 2012. With debit cards, growth in card-present payments
was twice that of CNP payments, according to the Fed's
Research also revealed that counterfeit card fraud in preliminary data. (Given the extensive data collection and
the United States is substantially higher than in other analysis required, the Fed regularly updates its payments
developed economies, where fraud is more prevalent in data reports between triennial studies.)
CNP environments. Pointing to EMV rollout experiences
in other countries, the Fed predicted counterfeit card Meanwhile, growth in payments using prepaid cards
fraud will also fall in the United States once a majority (general purpose, private label and government-
of merchants are running card payments through EMV- administered electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards
compliant terminals. dropped to the lowest annual rate since the Fed started
collecting prepaid card data in 2000. The average value of
More than 144 billion noncash payments were made in general purpose reloadable (GPR) cards also fell slightly,
2015 totaling nearly $178 trillion in value, according to from $35 in 2012 to $34 in 2015, the Fed reported. Private-
the report. Payments by card (credit, debit and prepaid) label prepaid card payments declined slightly by number,
represented well over half the total number of transactions, from 3.7 billion in 2012 to 3.6 billion in 2015, and rose
yet only a fraction of total value: 103.3 billion transactions slightly by value (from $50 billion to $70 billion). EBT card
worth $5.7 trillion, up 19.9 billion transactions and $1.07 payments also rose slightly, to 2.6 billion payments totaling
trillion in value from 2012. $80 billion in value.
In each of the three years since the Fed's last study, noncash Here are additional key data points from the Fed's report:
payments grew 5.3 percent, while the combined value of
• 69.5 billion debit card transactions were made in
2015 with a combined value of $2.56 trillion.
• 5.8 billion of these were ATM cash withdrawals.
• 9.9 billion were payments using prepaid debit