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In-App Payments

authentication will be challenging;                                        Figure 3: Migration toward In-app Payment
however, biometric authentication
(‘something you are’) on a smart                                                                                                           DescripOon                   Examples
phone (which can also hold an
encryption key or ‘something you                         POS                                                                            1  POS payments       In-store
have’) is a compelling option. We                                                       e-Comm                                             moving into apps   checkout via
expect smart phones to become                                                                                                                                 an app
the platform of choice for payment
authentication and for apps to play                                                                                                                           Airline
a key role in enablement of payment
use cases.                                                                                                                              2  MOTO payments      bookings via
                                                                                                                                           moving into apps   an app,
While the growth of app commerce                                                                                                                              rather than
is robust (we estimate growth at
50%+ and accelerating), there is                                            MOTO                                                                              by phone

transaction outcomes and the                                                                                                                                  Retail goods
quality of payment services
supporting app commerce. For one,                                                                                                       3 E-commerce          purchased
fraud management solutions and
services are typically not tailored                               12                    3                                                  payments moving from an app,
for the unique requirements and
advantages of the app environment.                                                                                                         into apps          rather than
The nature of app commerce fraud
is unique (e.g. repeated installation                                                                                                                         e-commerce
and wiping of the app in order to
take advantage of sign-up offers) as                                        In-
are the tools available (e.g. precise                                       App
geo-location and more complex
                                                                                                                                           Source: First Annapolis Consulting market observations.
The customer experience is also
often not optimally designed to be                                Figure 4: Estimated Sectors Splits for In-app Payments
frictionless, forcing too many steps
or even a 3D secure authentication     Other            Airlines  Grocery
in order to sign up. The development   Retail
of mobile wallets and apps such                                                                                                                        Other
as Apple Pay should help to                                       Other
streamline this experience. App
commerce is simply not the same        Financial                                                                                             Airlines         Grocery
as e-commerce; rather it requires a    Services
unique set of payments capabilities                                          Digital                                                       Other                             Digital
to be optimized.                         Ground                             Goods &                                                        Retail                           Goods &
                                         Tran. &                            Services                                                                                        Services
The acceleration of growth in             Una?.
app commerce will help to fuel                                                                                                             Financial
the ongoing increase in mobile                                    Gaming &                                                                 Services                     Gaming &
payments. Merchants and payment                                   Gambling                                                                                              Gambling
service providers must invest in                                                                                                                    Ground
mastering this new payments                     Food                                                                                                Tran. &    Food
environment if they are to capitalize          Service                                                                                               Una?.    Service
on this growth.
                                               Airlines           Other
For more information, please
contact Allan Reynolds, Consultant,                               Grocery                                                                              Other

specializing in Credit Card Issuing                  Other                     Digital                                                     Airlines           Grocery
in Europe.                                           Retail                   Goods &
                                                                              Services                                                     Other                             Digital
                                       Financial                                                                                           Retail                           Goods &
                                       Services                                                                                                                             Services

                                               Ground                       Gaming &                                                       Financial                       Gaming &
                                               Tran. &                      Gambling                                                       Services                        Gambling
                                                                   Food                                                                            Tran. &     Food
                                                                  Service                                                                           Una?.     Service

                                                                                                                                        Source: First Annapolis Consulting analysis and estimates.

U.S. Headquarters Three Park Place, Suite 200 l Annapolis, Maryland 21401                                                               Keizersgracht 313-I l 1016 EE Amsterdam l The Netherlands
                                                                                               © 2016 First Annapolis Consulting, Inc.  P:+31 (0)20 530 0360

                                                                                                                                                                                   Reprinted with permission.

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