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Making the most of networking opportunities

F or many ISOs and merchant level salespeo-                    speech," The Green Sheet, Feb. 9, 2009, issue 09:02:01,
             ple, January is a good time to take stock and     payment veteran Biff Matthews wrote, "For those who
             then set goals and action steps for the coming    need a quick refresher, the elevator speech, or pitch, is
             year. Often, deciding which industry trade-       a 30-second personal commercial developed to help you
shows to attend is part of that process. There are the         promote yourself, your company and your solutions." He
regional acquirer meetings, the Electronic Transactions        offered the following four guidelines for preparing this
Association's Transact show, the newer and growing             vital piece of communication.
Money20/20, as well as shows focused on specific aspects
and interest groups within payments and banking, shows                  1. You have 30 seconds, or less, to make your case.
focused on promising verticals, gatherings that explore
fintech partnerships, and more.                                         2. Your speech should be crisp and concisely
                                                                        focused on how you help customers and what you
After weighing the options, payment professionals make                  help them achieve.
decisions and book airlines and hotels for the shows that
best fit their business objectives and budgets. But that's              3. Use only layman's language. Avoid industry-
just the beginning of the preparation needed to make                    specific terms and alphabet soup. Forcing your
tradeshow attendance pay off.                                           listener to guess what you're saying because you've
                                                                        used jargon and acronyms is counterproductive.
In addition to rich educational offerings, these events                 Craft your speech so that, whether your listener is
provide extensive opportunities to network with potential               a professor or a janitor, your meaning is clear.
partners and clients. In Good Selling!SM: The Basics, Paul H.
Green posed the question, "If you're attending a conference             4. Answer the question, but leave your listener
or seminar, or simply having lunch with some colleagues,                wanting to know more.
how do you identify the people who can help you and are
willing to do so?"                                             Lend a hand

Prepare well                                                   Of course, while networking, it is vital that you listen
                                                               intently first before you talk about yourself. "Even if you
The answer, Green stated, is to do some detective              think you may be at a dead-end and neither of you can
work. "Treat the event as you would treat a prospecting        help each other, give it some time. You may learn that
opportunity for sales," he wrote. "Find out all you can        this person really can help you reach your goals," Green
about the people who will be there. Ask around among           wrote. However, he cautioned that "networking isn't just
your associates, go online and do a simple search under        about what the contact can do for you; you can be a very
proper names or companies, or read local papers (online        valuable and interesting contact for him or her."
or print) and see if any of the attendees have been in the
news lately and why." LinkedIn and Facebook are also           So prepare well, and then focus on extending a helping
potential sources of useful background information on          hand while networking this year. This approach will
attendees.                                                     not only lead to many enjoyable conversations and new
                                                               connections, it will also pay surprising dividends to you
Next, brush up your elevator pitch, so you'll be prepared      over time.
when people ask you what you do. In "Revisit that elevator

                                                               Kate Gillespie, President and CEO

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