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    Company: SmartBlue Technologies Inc.                       The company imposes no limits on the number of
    Product: Tipatuity                                         daily transactions members can do each day. Business
    Website:                                 account transactions have a default limit of $10,000 per
    Contact:                             transaction; personal accounts are typically capped at
                                                               $5,000 per transaction. Exceptions may apply, company
                                                               representatives stated.

Mobile app for convenient,                                     Following are additional standard features of the app listed
                                                               by Tipatuity:
secure cashless tipping
                                                                     •	 Simple account activation: Account setup can
D allas-based SmartBlue Technologies Inc. created                        be easily completed on a computer or connected
               Tipatuity, an application that uses the Dwolla            device. Tippers have the option of signing up as
               Inc. payment platform to process cashless gra-            members or tipping as guests.
               tuities. Growing adoption of mobile payment
technologies has decreased the average amount of cash that           •	 Go Active feature: Service professionals can "Go
consumers typically carry day-to-day.                                    Active" when they begin their shifts to become
                                                                         discoverable to tippers.
The movement toward a cashless society has affected many
service professionals who have traditionally relied on cash          •	 Search: Members can use geolocation search to
tips. Tipatuity bridges the gap by enabling its members to               locate nearby individuals, tip jars and businesses.
give and receive tips on the spot and instantaneously, the               They can also search by Tipatuity username and
company stated.                                                          read profiles and reviews.

Tipatuity's instant money transfers and digital tip jars             •	 Give and receive tips: Users can give and receive
facilitate simple and anonymous tipping across numerous                  tips of up to $5,000 per transaction for personal
service industries, including valet professionals, hotel                 accounts and up to $10,000 per transaction for
staff and outdoor event coordinators. Tipatuity members                  business accounts.
can send and receive payments via linked bank accounts
or prepaid debit cards without exchanging names, email               •	 Anonymous tips: Tipatuity facilitates anonymous
addresses or physical currency. Users receive automatic                  donations for select transactions such as charitable
notifications within the app and by email with every                     and fund-raising activities.
                                                                     •	 PIN security: Tipatuity members can receive two-
                                                                         factor authentication with a one-time PIN code to
                                                                         further safeguard transactions. PIN activation can
                                                                         be done in the security settings of the app.

"Our goal to allow people to express their gratitude towards   •	 Tip and review: Social features enable users to rate
others," said Trevor McLaughlin, Chief Executive Officer at        and comment on provided services. Members can
SmartBlue Technologies. "We feel that our service and app          add photos to personalize their Tipatuity profiles
allows for a fun and simple way to do this."                       and make it easier for others to discover and
                                                                   identify them.
Shehadi Dayekh, Ph.D., founder of SmartBlue and
Tipatuity, said members appreciate Tipatuity's built-in        •	 Tip sharing: Digital tip jars facilitate tip-share, a
reporting and tracking tools. The service will "empower            feature that divides collective tips among active
service professionals with the tools they need to make the         jar users. Tip jar administrators collect any extra
money they deserve and to bring more of the in-store tip           cent(s) that may result from that division.
jars online," he added.
                                                               •	 Recordkeeping: Tipatuity reporting and record-
One-on-one, one-to-many payments                                   keeping enables members to maintain a history of
                                                                   their jobs.
Tipatuity noted that its members can use a dynamic group
management feature on the app's money transfer portal          •	 Operating system support: Tipatuity currently
to direct payments to individuals, teams and businesses.           operates in the U.S. market. The downloadable app
The service is free to senders; recipients pay a 2 percent         is available on the web, Google Play and the Apple
facilitation fee for gratuity transactions.                        App Store.

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