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positive emotions because it's important that the binder             You may truly love your job,
show how you want to feel in addition to what you want.                   and it is true the sales

Once you have your images, glue them onto a page with               profession is one that directly
your related text. Repeat this process for each goal.               rewards your hard work. But,
                                                                 even so, if work were always fun,
Place the goals in the binder, and make this binder a part
of your sales toolbox. The next time you have to return                  it would be called play.
that irate merchant call, pull out the binder. The next time
you have had a bad day or week, pull out the binder. Take        completed some of them. And it has helped me recognize
a minute to look through it and remind yourself that this        that the bad or uncomfortable experiences we all have to
is why you do what you do.                                       deal with have a purpose. It has helped me through times
                                                                 when I wanted to just skip that call or sleep in. It has also
If there's a good chance you'll create your binder, stick it in  made me more aware. I now answer the question, "Why
a drawer and forget that it's there, an alternative is to pin    do I work?" differently. Yes, I work to pay my bills, but I
your images and text to a bulletin board and hang it on          also work to get that trip to Europe.
your office wall.
                                                                 Jeff Fortney is Vice President, ISO Channel Management with Clearent
Repeating the process                                            LLC. He has more than 17 years' experience in the payments indus-
                                                                 try. Contact him at or 972-618-7340. To learn
Remember, this visual reminder is a powerful tool to help        about how Clearent can help you grow faster and go further, visit
you take action. Start working toward your goals, and  
complete them. Once completed, replace that goal with
another, going through the same process.

I have carried my "Why I Work" binder for over 11 years.
A couple of the goals are still out of reach, but I have
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