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possible when we offer core services that may indeed make        For additional articles I've penned on rebranding as an
up their profit margins? The only fighter I've ever watched      alternative financing professional, see two Street SmartsSM
that could sting you while backing up is Ali. We need to         articles: "The alternative small business loan" and "The
throw punches while advancing our offerings."                    alternative financing rebranding wrap up," The Green
                                                                 Sheet, May 9, and June 27, 2016, issues 16:05:01 and 16:06:02,
Dee Malik's point is that we ought to continue to find new       respectively.
products and solutions that help develop a merchant's
business, rather than just find ways to cut meat off the bone    John Tucker has over 10 years of professional experience in commercial
(reduce our prices) while doing nothing to enhance quality.      finance and business development. He is also an M.B.A. graduate and
I agree with Dee Malik. And leading in with solutions such       holder of three bachelor's degrees in accounting, business management
as A/R factoring to help resolve cash flow issues is surely a    and journalism. To connect with John, please send him a connection
step in the right direction.                                     invite via LinkedIn at or email him


Goal setting: An                                                 Abundant resources
important ritual
                                                                 Following are links to articles in our archives that should
                                                                 help inspire you to set your sights high this year and follow
                                                                 through as the weeks pass by:

                                                                       •	 "Get moving toward those goals," The Green Sheet,
                                                                           March 14, 2016, issue 16:03:01,

                                                                 •	 "Give your goals some oomph!" by Adam Moss and
                                                                     Jeffrey Shavitz, The Green Sheet, Feb. 13, 2012, issue

M any payment professionals pack up their                              •	 "Go ahead, work some magic," by Jason Felts, The
                 holiday decorations, clear their heads and                Green Sheet, March 23, 2009, issue 09:03:02, www.
                 determine to set goals each January. They take  
                 stock of where they succeeded in the last 12              string=goals&search_string2=write%20down
months and where they fell a little short. They think about
how various market conditions affected their performance,              •	 "Dreams fulfilled: Six easy steps," by Jason Felts,
and consider changes they may have experienced or                          The Green Sheet, Dec. 22, 2008, issue 08:12:02, www.
insights they gained that have shifted their priorities. Then    
they identify goals for the coming year and plot a course                  string=goals&search_string2=write%20down
toward achieving them.
                                                                       •	 "Change, a rewarding discomfort," by Jeff Fortney,
There are many ways to go about setting goals and                          The Green Sheet, July 14, 2008, issue 08:07:01, www.
achieving them. Some folks prefer broad strokes; others          
pin down every detail. There is no single correct way to go                string=goal%20setting
about this process. And over the years, The Green Sheet has
published numerous articles on the importance of setting               •	 "Clean slate, new fate," The Green Sheet, Jan. 14,
goals and how to go about it.                                              2008, issue 08:01:01,
If you haven't joined in this annual ritual, why not jump
in now? Nothing could be better for your bottom line than        The important thing is not how you go about setting and
for you to have the dollar amount you want to earn and a         pursuing goals; it's that you get going. There is no better
deadline in bold print right in front of your eyes.              time than now to identify your goals, write them down,
                                                                 plan your action steps and then take action.

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