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                                                                                What's a payfac?

               I overhead a conversation about payfacs the other
                                                                                                day. What are they? I'm new to merchant pro-
                                                                                                cessing, and there's nothing about payfacs in my
                                                                                                training materials.
                                                                                                                                              Lydia Nybourg
                                                                                                                                      Customer service rep

                                                                                        Payfac is short for payment facilitator, and we've
                                                                                        published articles on payfacs in the past year that will
                                                                                        fill you in fully on what they do. In "Payfac: Fad or new
                                                                                        norm?" The Green Sheet, Sept. 12, 2016, issue 16:09:01,
                                                                                        Adam Atlas defined payfac as follows:

                                                                                        "A payfac, also known as a payment facilitator or
                                                                                        payment services provider (PSP), is an aggregated
                                                                                        merchant account serving multiple merchants," he wrote.
                                                                                        "Usually, a payfac assumes liability for chargebacks and
                                                                                        other losses related to its sub-merchants. The acquirer or
                                                                                        processor for a payfac looks exclusively to the payfac for
                                                                                        all legal liabilities related to the sub-merchants under it.

                                                                                        "The payfac has its own merchant agreement with
                                                                                        each sub-merchant and makes underwriting decisions,
                                                                                        such as what merchants to board, settlement amounts,
                                                                                        reserve accounts, etc. Not all payfacs are the same. Some
                                                                                        sub-merchant agreements are tri-party agreements,
                                                                                        with the acquirer or processor being parties together
                                                                                        with the payfac and the sub-merchant."

                                                                                        Atlas went on to say that a payfac is basically a legal
                                                                                        aggregator. "For a long time, aggregation was taboo
                                                                                        in merchant services," he noted. "Aggregation means
                                                                                        using a single merchant account to process for multiple
                                                                                        merchants. High-risk processors have been doing this
                                                                                        for decades, but normal ISOs and processors have
                                                                                        avoided it because it results in the acquirer processing
                                                                                        transactions for merchants with which it has no direct

                                                                                        You'll find the rest of Atlas' article at
                                                                                        emagazine.php?story_id=5086&search_string=payfac. An-
                                                                                        other article containing useful information on payfacs
                                                                                        is "The changing face of merchant acquiring," by Patti
                                                                                        Murphy, The Green Sheet, April 25, 2016, issue 16:04:02,
                                                                                        delves into a paper issued by Visa on the payment fa-
                                                                                        cilitator model and identifies key responsibilities of

                                                                                Calling for news, questions, suggestions

                                                                                        Thank you to all who have been sending breaking news
                                                                                        week in, week out to We look
                                                                                        forward to continuing to serve as your educational and
                                                                                        professional resource in the coming year. To help us
                                                                                        do that, please send your questions and suggestions to

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