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» Ben Abel–Bank Associates Merchant Services              President and CEO:
» Andrew Altschuler–Capify                                Kate Gillespie.............................................................
» Kristof Anderson-Tsang–Alveta Consulting                Publisher Emeritus:
» John Arato–MagTek Inc.                                  Paul H. Green..............................................................
» Adam Atlas–Attorney at Law                              CFO/Vice President Human Resources & Accounting:
» Clinton Baller–PayNet Merchant Services Inc.            Brandee Wolfe...................................................
» John Beebe–Celestial Payments & Small Business Funding  Assistant Vice President, Editorial:
» Matt Bruno–Payment Logistics Limited                    Laura McHale Holland...........................................
» Mark Cerminaro–RapidAdvance                             Senior Editor:
» Steve Christianson–All Card Processing Inc.             Patti
» Lane Conner–Fuzse                                       Senior Staff Writer:
» Nancy Drexler–Acquired Marketing                        Ann Train......................................................................
» Mark Dunn–Field Guide Enterprises LLC                   Staff Writers:
» Steve Eazell–DayGot                                     Dale S. Laszig..............................................................
» Brandes Elitch–CrossCheck Inc.                          Lyn
» W. Ross Federgren–CSR                                   Assistant Vice President, Media Partnerships:
» Mike Fox, CPP–Group ISO Merchant Services               Danielle Thorpe..................................................
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» Marc Gardner–North American Bancard                     Kat Doherty
» Darrin Ginsberg–Super G Funding LLC                     Director of Information Technology:
» Matt Golis–YapStone Inc.                                Wolf Dean Stiles........................................................
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» Curt Hensley–Impact Payments Recruiting                 Rick
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» Lazaros Kalemis–Alpha Card Services Inc.                5830 Commerce Blvd., Unit B, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
» Dee Karawadra–Impact PaySystem                          Send questions, comments and feedback to
» Rod R. Katzfey–Credorax                                 ..........................................................................
» Alan Kleinman–Meritus Payment Solutions                 Send press releases to
» Andie Kolb–National Processing Co.
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» Greg Leos–Global Collect                                Print Production:
» Dan Lewis–AmeriBanc National Ltd.                       Hudson Printing Company
» Paul Martaus–Martaus & Associates
» Biff Matthews–CardWare International                    The Green Sheet (ISSN 1549-9421) is published semi-monthly by The Green Sheet Inc., 5830 Commerce Blvd., Unit
» Andy Meadows–Anovia Payment                             B, Rohnert Park CA 94928. Subscription is FREE to participants in the payment processing industry, an annual
» Justin Milmeister–Elite Merchant Solutions              subscription includes 24 issues of The Green Sheet. To subscribe, visit POSTMASTER: send
» Timothy Munto– TSYS Acquiring Solutions                 address changes to The Green Sheet Inc., 5830 Commerce Blvd., Unit B, Rohnert Park CA 94928. Any questions
» Patti Murphy– ProScribes Inc.                           regarding information contained in The Green Sheet should be directed to the Editor in Chief
» Michael Nardy–Electronic Payments                       at Editorial opinions and recommendations are solely those of the
» Steve Norell–US Merchant Services                       Editor in Chief.
» Steven Peisner–Acquiring Solutions International
» Heather Petersen- National Merchants Association        In publishing The Green Sheet, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting,
» Jason Richelson, ShopKeep POS                           or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent
» Daria Rippingale, BillPro                               professional should be sought. The Resource Guide is paid classified advertising. The Green Sheet is not responsible
» Chester Ritchie–WorldPay                                for, and does not recommend or endorse any product or service. Advertisers and advertising agencies agree
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» Peter Scharnell–Cayan                                   publishing of any advertisement.
» Jeffrey I. Shavitz–TrafficJamming LLC
» Dave Siembieda–CrossCheck Inc.                          Copyright © The Green Sheet, Inc., 2017. All rights reserved.
» Rick Slifka–Exec-Links LLC
» Steve Sotis–eProcessing Network LLC
» Cliff Teston–Signature Card Services
» Jeff Thorness–Forte Payment Systems
» Tom Waters–Bank Associates Merchant Services
» Sam Zietz–American Bancard

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