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Cover Story                                                                                           Features

  Tapping into the U.S. economic pulse.......................................1                          Sizing and Profiling In-App Payments.................................... 24
     By Ann Train
                                                                                                         A reprint from First Annapolis Consulting, M&A Advisory Services.
   At the beginning of 2017, the U.S. economy's future is anybody's
   guess, but signs appear to be positive. Payments industry sources                                  Company Profile
   expect continued growth in several sectors.                                                          Pearl Capital LLC:
                                                                                                        Go the extra mile to deliver the most value........................ 31
  Expect more growth in mobile payments, banking.......10
   A vibrant stock market index and historically high ecommerce                                         Street SmartsSM
   spending during the 2016 holiday season have led to bullish predic-                                  Accounts receivable factoring.................................................... 38
   tions for payments and retail in 2017.
                                                                                                           By John Tucker, 1st Capital Loans LLC
  Fed study finds growth in noncash transactions.............. 11                                        Most payment pros are familiar with merchant cash advance.
   The 2016 Federal Reserve Payments Study, published Dec. 22, 2016,                                     Another option in the alternative financing realm to consider as a
   found continued growth in all types of noncash transactions, par-                                     value-added service is accounts receivable factoring.
   ticularly in credit and debit card payments.
                                                                                                        Don't make fraud this winter's fashion trend..................... 42
  Yahoo breaches analyzed............................................................. 12                 By Don Bush, Kount Inc.
   Yahoo Inc.'s recently disclosed data breaches constitute yet another                                  With growing mobile commerce, the U.S. shift to EMV and events
   wake-up call to the security community, which is tasked with keep-                                    such as Amazon Prime Day propelling ecommerce, retailers must
   ing our payments infrastructure safe.                                                                 prioritize security and convenience for their customers.

  NFC Forum adds specs, Chase goes QR.................................. 13                              Why do you work?.............................................................44
   The NFC Forum, a standards body sponsored by leading payment                                            By Jeff Fortney, Clearent LLC
   companies, released new specifications intended to enable NFC-
   equipped devices to communicate more broadly.                                                         Many salespeople put in 60 hours or more weekly on the job, a huge
                                                                                                         time investment. One tool makes those hours easier by reminding
  Industry Update................................................................................ 14     people the real reasons why they work.

Views                                                                                                   ISO versus MLS status in 2017: The stakes are high.......46
                                                                                                           By Adam T. Hark, Preston Todd Advisors
  2017 – A look back, a look forward.......................................... 22
     By Brandes Elitch, CrossCheck Inc.                                                                  The velocity of the acquiring industry's reinvention has forced many
                                                                                                         agents to re-evaluate whether to continue as agents or register
   In the 1980s, the acquiring side of the card business was a mystery.                                  directly with Mastercard and Visa as ISOs.
   Today, it is a highly competitive industry in which strong demand
   for competent, enterprising MLSs will continue in 2017.                                            New Products

  Insider's report on payments:                                                                         Mobile app for convenient, secure cashless tipping ...... 48
  Fed updates payments data........................................................ 26
                                                                                                        All-in-one POS, business management solution .............. 49
     By Patti Murphy, ProScribes Inc.
   The 2016 Federal Reserve Payments Study revealed key trends in pay-                                Inspiration
   ments, including cards' dominance in the charge toward noncash                                       Making the most of networking opportunities................. 51
   payments and a rise in CNP transactions.
  The link between company values                                                                       Letter From the Editors.....................................................................5
  and ISV relationships...................................................................... 29        Readers Speak.......................................................................................8
                                                                                                        Boost Your Biz..................................................................................... 40
     By Kelly Cullum, Tantrum Street                                                                    2017 Calendar of Events............................................................... 50
   A successful independent software vendor (ISV) channel requires                                      Resource Guide.................................................................................. 52
   that payment companies and ISVs working together have synergis-                                      Advertiser Index................................................................................ 62
   tic value systems.

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