Page 42 - GS170102
P. 42


                             Legal ease:                        What's for sale anyway?

                                                                In decreasing order of substance, here's what an ISO may
        ISO portfolio seller's                                  be selling as part of selling an ISO business:

                                                                   •  ISO shares: When an ISO sells its company share,
        checklist                                                     the buyer is buying the entire business, and the
                                                                      corporate entity of the ISO becomes the purchaser's
                                                                      property. In principle, the buyer inherits the ISO
                                                                      with its various contracts and liabilities.

                                                                     For example, if the ISO had contracts with two
                                                                     processors, theoretically, those contracts remain in
                                                                     place with the ISO after its shares are transferred to
                                                                     the buyer. Note, however, that some ISO agreements
                                                                     contain a "change of control" provision, meaning sale
                                                                     of the ISO can occur only with the processor's prior
                                                                     consent. Failure to obtain such consent may result
                                                                     in the processor putting the ISO in default and thus
                                                                     putting that company's value in jeopardy.

                                                                     ISO purchase transactions rarely involve the sale of
                                                                     shares. The main reason for this is that when you
        By Adam Atlas                                                buy a company, the company's liabilities stay with
        Attorney at law                                              it. If, in the past, the ISO took on a loan guarantee
                                                                     or other liability, the ISO will be saddled with that
                   aving advised on a number of ISO portfolio        responsibility  after  the  sale  unless  it  is  specifically
                   purchase and sale transactions, I thought it      released. ISO buyers therefore usually prefer to buy
                   would help to outline key  items for an  ISO      assets, not shares.
        H portfolio seller to consider before, during and
        after a sale. For the purposes of this article, I will assume   •  ISO assets: By purchasing a defined list of assets,
        that the selling ISO has already weighed the advantages       the purchaser is usually able to avoid inheriting a
        and disadvantages of selling.                                 lingering liability of the ISO business being sold. Most
                                                                      of the time, the key assets are the ISO agreements
        Confidentiality                                               with processors and the agent agreements that the
                                                                      ISO has with agents.
        Every portfolio buyer must conduct due diligence before
        buying. Even with the most honest of sellers, buyers still    Each of those agreements is usually reviewed as
        owe themselves a duty, and may also owe their investors a     part of the buyer's due diligence process to see that
        duty to fully review the books and records of the portfolio   the buyer is getting what he or she expects, with no
        being purchased to see that they are going to get what        surprises. Each ISO processor agreement and agent
        they are paying for.
                                                                      agreement purchased should be subject to an explicit
                                                                      assignment. The assignment of an agreement means
        Due diligence for ISO acquisitions often involves the seller   substituting one party for another. For example, the
        showing the buyer information related to the portfolio        seller's company may be replaced with the buyer's
        and ISO agreements, such as residual reports, merchant        company as a party to the ISO agreements with
        agreements, etc. Taking a careful look at the ISO agreement,   processors.
        the selling ISO will see that much of that information
        (particularly the ISO agreement) is confidential and          Buyers will usually not conclude a purchase until the
        cannot be disclosed without permission of the processor       processors in question have approved the proposed
        that is a party to the ISO agreement.                         assignment. A buyer would be foolish to release the
                                                                      purchase price without knowing beforehand that,
        Before engaging in in-depth due diligence with the buyer,     after closing, the residuals would be paid to the
        the selling ISO may have to obtain permission from the        buyer instead of seller.
        processor to disclose information to the potential buyer.
        Getting this permission is not usually a problem, but      •  Just residuals:  Some buyers will simply want a
        pressing ahead with due diligence without permission          "residual redirection." This lesser form of purchase
        may result in the processor alleging breach of the ISO        does not directly involve the shares (share sale) or
        agreement, which would put the residual sale in jeopardy.

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