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              parties to ISO agreements (assignment). Instead, the   Some sellers will refuse to wait for any part of their
              seller instructs the processor to pay residuals to the   purchase price. This places the buyer in the position of
              buyer instead of to the seller.                   having to trust (or bet) on the seller's honesty and the
                                                                strength of the business purchased. Naturally, the seller
              This form of sale is easier to implement. There is less   will expect a lesser purchase price but will also be relieved
              need for tinkering with ISO agreements, etc., but it   of having to meet post-closing performance guarantees.
              also complicates the long-term relationship between
              buyer and seller. To continue receiving the residuals   Non-solicitation
              purchased, the buyer depends, more or less forever,   No buyer wants to see the value purchased disappear.
              on the seller's ISO agreement, with all of its ups and   Consequently, purchasers will require sellers to agree to
              downs.                                            not solicit the merchants they have sold for some years
                                                                after closing. For an honest seller, this is not controversial.
              If the seller fails to meet certain minimum       However,  even  honest  sellers  are  put  to  the  test  when
              requirements of the ISO agreement, and residuals   merchants call after closing complaining the buyer's
              suffer as a consequence, the buyer is stuck in the   service is sub-par or they simply prefer working with the
              "back seat" of the seller's relationship with the   seller.
                                                                Sellers should take the long view and not ruin a chance
              Another complication of buying just residuals is that   at a purchase price payout simply to place a few accounts
              confusion may arise as to who should service the   from the sold portfolio. Similarly, buyers need not take
              portfolio's merchants. Absent discussion and clear   an excessively harsh view of sellers who are approached
              language in the purchase agreement, the seller may   by merchants from the portfolio sold. Perhaps buyer and
              conclude it need not service the accounts for which   seller  can  take  advantage of  the  relationships  between
              residuals have been sold. If the buyer doesn't assume   those merchants and the seller for the good of all parties.
              that service obligation, the merchants could become
              neglected and subject to greater attrition.       Many purchase scenarios involve the seller becoming an
                                                                agent of the buyer, making it easier for the seller to keep
              Buyers of only residuals sometimes also reserve   supporting the portfolio sold and renew the accounts in
              the right to refrain from selecting a specific group   that portfolio for the benefit of both parties.
              of merchants for actual purchase until some years
              after closing. For example, a purchaser may buy   Non-competition
              $50,000 per month in residuals, understanding that
              36 months later, it will select a specific group of   Non-competition means the seller will not be involved in
              merchants that will be transferred to the buyer.  the ISO business in a defined place for a specific amount
                                                                of time. A non-competition covenant is not usually given
              Assuming the seller's ISO agreement allows for    by a seller unless the seller is willing to be out of the ISO
              such slicing and dicing (which often isn't the    business for a specific amount of time and the seller is
              case),  a  question  arises  as  to  whether  the  buyer   given additional compensation for not competing.
              should be entitled to $50,000 in 36 months or some
              lesser amount, taking into account reasonable and   To be clear, non-competition is not the same as non-
              foreseeable attrition.                            solicitation. A seller bound by only a non-solicitation
                                                                clause can continue to be involved in the ISO business,
              Residual sales should be well thought out in advance   provided the seller does not harm the buyer's portfolio.
              because, otherwise, the parties may face confusion
              and disappointment down the road.                 A seller that is also bound by a non-competition clause
                                                                will likely have to find  another  line  of business for the
        Terms of sale                                           non-competition  period.  That kind  of  promise  usually
                                                                comes at a price for the buyer.
        When selling an ISO business or portfolio, the key
        consideration beyond purchase price is how quickly that   There are, of course, many other considerations for ISO
        price will be paid and on what conditions. Buyers will pay   sellers, but those discussed herein are key.
        more when sellers will wait longer to receive the purchase
        price. Similarly, buyers will pay more for portfolios that
        decline in value more slowly. Specifically, if the residuals   In publishing The Green Sheet, neither the author nor the publisher is
        purchased by the business don't decline substantially, the   engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services.
        seller is more likely to receive the highest purchase price   If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a
        available.                                              competent professional should be sought. For further information on
                                                                this article, please contact Adam Atlas, Attorney at Law via email at
                                                       or by phone at 514-842-0886.

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