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        the U.S. mobile wallet push initiative.     Your business model might be working for you now, but the only way to
        Nonetheless, a comeback is overdue.         sustain it in the long run, is to keep improving it.
        With the rollout of 3D Secure 2.0,
        whose specifications heavily focus on     •  Embrace  technology innovations and new products. Learn as much
        the development of seamless, wallet-        as you can and smartly incorporate what works best for you in your
        based authentication, coupled with          portfolio  and offerings.  Even  if  development  time  and  adjustments
        Alipay's move into the U.S. market,         seem too time-intensive at first, always look at the bigger picture. Ask
        perhaps this is the perfect instant for     yourself how you can improve your company. Probably the answer has
        wallets to strike back.                     already been built for you, so go out and find it.
        Integrated, outbound                      •  Progress and take payment processing to the next level. PayPal Inc. and
        payment systems                             Stripe Inc. are working for a reason, so maybe this should be the year in
                                                    which you invest in expanding your services, strive for automation and
        Assuming the ways available for             offer smart add-ons that will help you become more of a one-stop shop.
        people to make payments can be
        paralleled to a segregated "division   Even though the future of payments surely looks messy, one thing is certain:
        of labor" model, a counter trend will   change will continue to escalate. And the only way to survive and thrive is
        be  detected  in  software  designed   to embrace change and use it toward your advantage to help your business
        to receive payments. How so? Even     move forward. Take REP to heart, and you'll stand a chance of climbing up the
        though the payments circle has long   change ladder in the year ahead.
        taken pride (for lack of a better word)
        in  its  extremely  fragmented,  ineffi-  Evi Triantafyllides is the Marketing Director at PAAY, a software solution that qualifies e-commerce
        cient operating mode, the need for a   transactions at lower interchange rates and shifts liability for e-commerce fraud away from mer-
        change is evident. A change whose
        time has arrived.                     chants, to the card issuers. Evi was the first full-time employee at PAAY.  She is responsible for the
                                              company's marketing, and at the same time focuses on ISO relations and partnerships. Find out
        With  the  diversification  of  payouts   about PAAY at or reach out to her directly at
        reaching a tipping point, both in
        terms of type and scope (think an ar-
        ray of cross-border contractors, resell-
        ers, partners, virtual terminals and
        customer relationship management
        systems),  the  old  structure  is  start-
        ing  to  feel  increasingly  dated  and
        restrictive. New platforms entering
        the market are striving to be all en-
        compassing, multipurpose solutions
        that offer cohesive management and
        operational tools, compliance, track-
        ing and data analysis.

        Even though these developments
        have been marginalized in terms
        of  payment  and  fintech innovation
        headlines, this could be one of the
        most efficient transformations yet,
        bringing about significant improve-
        ments for all players involved.
        Research, embrace, progress
        We should research, embrace and
        progress, and use the acronym (REP)
        to signify something bigger than a
        sales representative this year. Here's
        what I mean:

            •  Research and learn about new
               products as much as you can.

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