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        however, as frequent changes in interchange rates and   Mellin said it's not uncommon to find inflated fees on
        market conditions rendered it tough to manage. Today    statements, particularly among ISOs and acquirers that
        blended pricing is primarily used by companies like     advertise very low effective rates. "For some, the only way
        Square and PayPal.                                      they can make money is by padding everything," she said.

        Tiered pricing (also known as bundled or bucket pricing)   Steven Feldshuh, President of Merchants Choice Payment
        is perhaps the most complex pricing model in bankcard   Solutions East, said, "Assessments typically range from .12
        acquiring. It typically employs three pricing tiers/buckets   to .14 percent, but are priced at .15 to .19 percent. Another
        –  qualified  (applied  to  standard  credit  cards),  mid-  area of assessments is something called a MC NABU fee
        qualified (key-entered transactions) and non-qualified   or Visa Access fee, which normally falls into the range
        (rewards and other specialty cards). It's also common to   of $0.0195 to $0.0155, but is frequently marked up. When
        find numerous other buckets with different rates that   assessment fees are doubled, the amounts may be small,
        kick in when transactions are downgraded for processor/  but everything adds up."
        acquirer-specific reasons.
                                                                Greg Mallin, Business Development Consultant at
        With interchange pass-through, a flat per-item charge and   BillingTree, emphasized the importance of helping
        a flat basis point surcharge gets added to the assigned   clients understand their statements. "We try to help them
        interchange rate and associated dues and assessments that   understand how different things impact the pricing
        are levied by the card brands. "This represents the most   model," he said. Such determinative factors are the
        honest and straightforward pricing method out there. It's   technologies merchants are using, Payment Card Industry
        completely transparent," Martaus said.                  Data Security Standard compliance, their integration
                                                                partners, etc.
        Interchange plus is similar to pass-through and a more
        commonly offered pricing model. It's a flat markup,     Feldshuh said one of the biggest challenges working with
        regardless of the type of card used. The markup consists   prospects and reviewing their statements comes down to
        of a fixed percentage (for example, 50 basis points) of   matching interchange categories and descriptions with
        the total value of card transactions processed in a given   published  rates.  Processing  statements  that  bundle  fees
        month, plus a fixed amount (usually expressed in cents)   into a single total are simple enough to analyze, but others
        per transaction.                                        make it nearly impossible to determine true effective rates,
                                                                because they carry over fees from previous months or fail
        "Interchange plus-plus is the latest variation on the   to break out related costs.
        interchange-plus theme," Martaus said. It adds more than
        just basis points and pennies to the cost of interchange,   "The payments industry needs to regulate pricing
        by introducing other assorted fees and markups of things   disclosure and standardize merchant statement reporting,"
        like dues and assessments. Also contributing to pricing   he said. "Some acquirers have clear, transparent pricing
        variability are charges assessed by acquirers, such as one-  guidelines, but others sell interchange-plus, hiding
        time setup fees, recurring account maintenance fees and   additional mark-ups in fine print in their merchant
        PCI-compliance fees.                                    applications."
        Statement analysis as sales tool                        Debit network fees can also be misleading, Feldshuh

        The existence of hundreds of interchange rates, and     noted. Many merchants view PIN debit as less expensive
        acquirer-specific models for marking up these wholesale   than swiped signature debit; however, a host of ancillary
        costs, has rendered statement analysis a critical component   costs  and  switch  fees  can  make  PIN  debit  transactions
        of the merchant sales process. A careful, line-by-line   more expensive than swiped signature debit transactions,
        analysis of a merchant's monthly processing statements   he added.
        will reveal a true, effective per-transaction rate inclusive
        of marked-up dues, assessments and other fees, experts   This is especially true for cards that qualify for interchange
        stated.                                                 caps.  The  Durbin  Amendment  to  the  Dodd-Frank  Act
                                                                instructed the Fed to cap interchange on transactions
        It's an educational process, said Dave Yohe, Vice President   initiated using debit cards from the largest issuers, or
        of Marketing at BillingTree. Educating clients and      about 80 percent of all debit cards in circulation. That cap
        prospects about factors that impact rates – such as card   ranges from 21 to 24 cents per transaction.
        data entry, access channels and integration partners – is
        a critical part of the business relationship. "We work with   Bottom line: no simple formula for pricing bankcard card
        clients  to  educate  them  about  the  differences  between   acquiring exists, but armed with knowledge about pricing
        published interchange rates and what they see when their   practices and statements, as well as the business and its
        statements come in," Yohe said.                         industry sector, merchant services providers can offer real
                                                                value to prospects and clients.

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