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        Dave Holman, Division Sales Director at Beyond, believes   Merchant names must also be consistent with store
        understanding prospects' and clients' businesses and    signage,  advertisements  and  brochures,  telephone
        needs is crucial to sales and ongoing service. "We want   directory listings, and MCC descriptors.
        our merchants to understand that we're advocating for
        them, just like an attorney or doctor would," he said.  High-risk categories
                                                                Mastercard and Visa impose higher rates and stringent
        Providing good pricing need not be a race to the bottom.   underwriting guidelines on high-risk merchants, which
        Seasoned agents understand the strategies that drive    include furniture stores, health clubs, Internet businesses
        interchange  pricing  and  evaluate  prospective  customers   and card-not-present (CNP) businesses. Underwriters may
        accordingly, Wactlar noted. For example, with some      require additional information with high-risk merchant
        businesses (particularly in emerging markets like schools,   applications, such as website URLs, marketing materials,
        government agencies and child care providers), card-not-  merchandise samples and return policies. Some even
        present transactions are assessed the same interchange   review business plans.
        rates as swiped transactions. Agents need to understand
        these types of intricacies. "If you're not picking the right   According to the Visa Global Acquirer Risk Standards,
        category [for those businesses] you're not using interchange   acquirers  must  additionally "identify  the  service
        to your advantage," Wactlar said.                       provider(s) the merchant uses to process, transmit, or
        Diversified merchant categories, codes                  store cardholder data and whether the service provider is
                                                                compliant with the PCI DSS."
        Experienced MLSs understand that interchange pricing
        is based on merchant categories and industry codes, and   Card  brands  are  also  wary  of  free  trial  offer  business
        can be a valuable resource when evaluating prospective   models, which are deemed to pose heightened risks of
        customers. Misrepresenting interchange categories to give   chargebacks. Many consumers don't understand the terms
        merchants unfair pricing advantages or make them look   and conditions of free trials or may dispute the automatic
        better than they should can cause problems.             billing that occurs at the end of a product or service trial.
                                                                Visa's  risk  standards  require  additional  controls  and
        Mike Ackerman, President of DigiPay Solutions Inc.,     oversight with merchants that use free or discounted
        related a story involving one merchant whose incorrect   trial  periods.  "Acquirers that fail  to properly  supervise
        designation as a restaurant resulted in an expensive Visa   merchants and agents that abuse free trial periods may
        audit. "Incorrectly classifying a merchant account can   be included in Visa's merchant chargeback and fraud
        have harmful consequences for everyone involved: for the   monitoring programs and subject to the imposition of
        agent, ISO, issuing bank and merchant," Ackerman said.   Member Risk Reduction Measures," Visa stated.
        Visa defines the Merchant Category Code (MCC) as a      Variations in pricing models
        four-digit number that describes a merchant's primary   Interchange  represents  the  wholesale  price  of  acquiring
        business based on annual sales volume. According to the   a merchant transaction; it's the largest contributor to a
        Card Acceptance Guidelines for Visa Merchants, assigning   merchant's discount and approximately 70 to 80 percent of
        an accurate MCC "assists in the analysis of merchant    the per-transaction fee. Actual all-in costs, however, vary
        sales, performance, assessment of levels of risk, and the   considerably.
        development of programs that are the most useful to
        clients, merchants, and cardholders. MCCs can also be   One reflection of this variability is the use of different
        used to help in recognition of a transaction if the merchant   pricing models by acquirers and ISOs to assess the all-in
        name is not familiar to the cardholder," which can reduce   cost of transactions (the merchant discount rate). Holman
        cardholder inquiries and requests for receipt copies.   suggested some pricing models clearly benefit acquirers.
                                                                "The more creative they are, the easier it becomes to
        Merchant payment processing performance and bottom-     charge more than they possibly should," he said. Examples
        line success are directly tied to how merchant businesses   of pricing models include interchange pass-through,
        are identified when they sign with acquirers. "Merchant   interchange plus, interchange plus-plus, tiered and
        name and MCC description clarity and accuracy are key   blended.
        to avoiding cardholder transaction recognition issues
        and misclassification of the nature of your business,"   Blended pricing was one of the earliest models to emerge.
        Visa stated in its guide. "Keep in mind that the purpose   "It was pretty easy to understand," said payments industry
        of the merchant name is to identify the merchant to the   consultant Paul Martaus. That's because every transaction
        cardholder. Work with your acquirer to ensure your name   gets priced the same, regardless of interchange. An
        is  clear  and discernible  to  cardholders  when  they  read   acquirer/ISO calculates the blended fee based on a
        their statement."                                       merchant's mix and number of transactions. Blended
                                                                pricing has fallen out of favor with acquirers and ISOs,

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