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Boost revenues,
reduce fees with lean
green solution ISO/MLS contact:
Ben Ross, COO
reen Payments founder and CEO, Cliff Green,
had seen small and midsize businesses lose 1-800-567-4729
millions of dollars to unnecessary credit card
G processing fees. He founded New Jersey-
based Green Payments in 2019, a full-service company
that creates cost-effective software and POS systems tai- support, Green Payments offers rate matching, next-day
lored to each client's needs. During the pandemic, Green funding and custom-built options for small businesses.
partnered with restaurant franchise management expert Green Payments stated it actively assists clients with sig-
Ben Ross, COO at Green Payments, to assist hundreds of nature programs designed to chip away at burdensome
businesses across the country. Green Payments strives processing fees, and spotlighted the following examples:
to create long-lasting financial freedom and stability for • Swipe-Less: Green Payments' Swipe-Less cash
all types of enterprises, large and small, Green noted, by discount and surcharging programs shift the bur-
pairing innovative payment technology offerings with den of credit card processing fees by rewarding
dedicated vertical market specialists. cash paying customers. The True Cash Discount
allows the merchant to apply a 4 percent discount
"Green Payments' full-service technologies and employ- on all transactions paid by cash while advertising
ees comprise a comprehensive solution that helps busi- a 4 percent processing fee to customers who pay
nesses to operate more efficiently," Green said. "Our tai- with credit cards. The surcharging program allows
lored programs minimize fees and processing time for merchants to add processing fees to all credit card
businesses of all sizes, saving them crucial capital for transactions while the merchant continues to pay
long-lasting growth." the debit card fees. Both systems are ideal for mer-
Make a difference chants that operate on slim profit margins.
• Dealer Genie: Green Payments' Dealer Genie pro-
Green Payments' 12-member team manages a field of over gram enables company executives and managers to
100 agents across the United States who work one-on-one customize payment options throughout the trans-
with merchant clients across a wide spectrum of indus- action process and provide individualized report-
tries. Unlike its competitors, Green Payments recognizes ing for different departments within a dealership.
each specialized industry has unique requirements and The unified program facilitates interdepartmen-
provides a consultative approach to guide clients through tal communications to enhance the employee and
every step of the payment process. Dedicated account customer experience. The Dealer Genie platform
managers, assigned to each merchant, routinely check on has helped more than 500 automotive industry
their progress, offering guidance and a white-glove, one- merchants achieve financial stability, the company
on-one approach to their merchants' business, the com- noted.
pany noted.
• Partner-centric: Acknowledging that business
Green reported impressive results, stating that since its ownership can be difficult to navigate, Green em-
inception, Green Payments has helped more than 5,000 phasized that Green Payments is a true partner
companies reclaim financial stability while helping to that helps agents and channel partners navigate
generate more than $1 billion of consumer payments complex processing fees as inflation and the loom-
each year; as of 2022, Green Payments averages roughly ing threat of recession threaten a post-pandemic
200 new clients per month; and by eliminating the 2 to economy. Green Payments sales representatives
4 percent payment processing fees rendered by digital have first-hand experience of their target markets,
transactions, the company provides merchants with fi- he added, and use that expertise to provide indus-
nancial relief and sustainability. Business owners who try-specific solutions to their clients while helping
have partnered with Green Payments have reportedly them avoid unnecessary fees.
seen more efficient customer interactions and increased
profit margins of 2 to 4 percent, which equates to tens of "Green Payments continues to innovate and optimize of-
thousands to millions of annual savings, Green added. ferings based on one-on-one merchant feedback to better
serve its partnered industries," Green said. "Our team is
Signature processing solutions working on a full-stack payments platform that includes
a virtual terminal and payment gateway with a CNP sur-
In addition to premier relationship management and 24/7 charging option."