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           In most instances, the merchant                      Merchant accounts are closed every day and the monies

           must request in writing that the                     contained in those reserve accounts will remain with the
                                                                ISO for as long as it can keep them. Merchants must be
             funds be returned. Even then                       diligent and tenacious in getting those funds returned. The
                                                                unfortunate reality is that an attorney can get merchants
          merchants are at the mercy of the                     farther in getting an ISO's attention and getting them to

           ISO as to when it will decide to                     respond.
                    return those funds.                         Every day merchants give up the fight and relinquish
                                                                monies that they earned and have a right to. They just don't
                                                                believe they are going to get anywhere. Do the right thing.
        Finally, they began receiving assurances from the ISO that   Don't be the type of ISO that makes merchants require
        it would cooperate and disburse the checks on behalf of   an attorney's assistance just to receive what is rightfully
        the merchants. The merchants and their attorney would   theirs.
        request tracking numbers for disbursements, but then, as
        had happened before, they would receive only one check   Bryce Van De Moere is an attorney at Global Legal Law Firm, whose
        for one merchant's reserve funds. And more often than   attorneys are familiar with the rapidly changing nature of electronic
        not, the check would bounce. Undeterred, they stepped up   payment processing, as well as the associated, ever-changing regula-
        their campaign to recover the merchants' money.         tions involved. GLLF has decades of expertise with ISOs, processors,
        A lame excuse                                           commercial collections, credit card brands and other forms of electronic
                                                                payment processing litigation. Let us guide you through this new and
        After three months, they ultimately forced the ISO to   volatile environment, rather than attempting to navigate it on your
        disburse all the merchant funds. The ISO, for its part, was   own. Contact Bryce at and GLLF at
        apologetic, stating that the failure to timely disburse the
        funds was not intentional. A representative just chalked it
        up to a "lack of urgency." The merchants and their attorney
        found that admission offensive.
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