Page 16 - GS221102
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        ISO, however, does not have a good resale value.  Though   control. Most importantly, they should have a solution set
        there may be some tax advantages to selling a retail ISO,   and knowledge base that allows them to integrate around
        for the most part, it makes more sense to keep it and earn   proprietary solutions. This is critical and is the single
        the residuals over the portfolio's lifetime.            greatest thing a retail ISO can do to ensure long term
        Moreover, while wholesale ISOs have a greater valuation,
        I have seen many fail. There is no guarantee of success.   A retail ISO is to a wholesale
        Before embarking on such an endeavor a business should   ISO as love is to marriage
        fully assess its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
        threats.                                                Again, a sales channel is a necessary but insufficient
                                                                component for a wholesale ISO. Entities considering the
        Specific to strengths or weaknesses, an entity contemplating   transition should recognize the pros and cons of each
        becoming a wholesale ISO should fully assess its assets   and fully assess their assets. Exploration should involve
        including cash position, technology, skill set, knowledge   developing  a  business  plan  and  budget  toward  the  end
        and industry connections. Regardless, unless it also has   state before action is taken to visualize both the expense
        management depth, it will be sacrificing directives.    and the steps to get there. Only after fully understanding
                                                                this path can a business deliberate and arrive at the
        Become the best version of me                           ultimate, optimal conclusion.
        Retail ISOs can take many steps to present the image of
        a wholesale ISO without assuming the liabilities. With   As founder of Humboldt Merchant Services, co-founder of Eureka
        regard to adjudicating merchant files, they could have   Payments, and a former executive for such payments innovators as
        multiple acquirer relationships to be able to provision a   WePay, a division of JPMorgan Chase, Ken Musante has experience in
        merchant to the wholesale ISO most likely to support that   all aspects of successful ISO building. He currently provides consulting
        specific merchant.                                      services and expert witness testimony as founder of Napa Payments
                                                                and Consulting, Contact him
        They should have their own service team to assist  and   at, 707-601-7656 or  www.
        improve the service offered through their wholesale
        ISO. When possible, they should brand the services they
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