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                                                                  Cybersecurity incidents targeting SMBs decreased

                                                                  The Identity Theft Resource Center published its second
                                                                  annual report on the impacts of identity crimes and
                                                                  cyberattacks on small businesses and solopreneurs—the
                                                                  2022 Business Impact Report. The ITRC surveyed 447
                                                                  small business owners, leaders and employees about
                                                                  impacts of cybercrimes on SMBs. Generally, SMBs lost
                                                                  less money due to cybercrime in the last year, with one
        ANNOUNCEMENTS                                             key exception: victims of social media account takeover.
                                                                  Fifty percent of SMBs surveyed reported losing control
          NMA suit against CBC continues                          of a social media account to a cybercriminal, with 87
                                                                  percent of the victims losing revenue generated by the
          National Merchants Association, a fintech company and   account. Fewer respondents experienced a data breach
          payments acquirer, released an update about its ongo-   in the past year (23 percent), a two percentage point
          ing suit against Commercial Bank of California in the   decrease from 2021.
          Superior Court of California, Los  Angeles County. In
          December  2021,  NMA  filed  a  seven-count  suit  against   Open banking APIs offer monetization potential
          said bank for alleged violations, including, inter alia,   Considerable opportunities exist for banks to mon-
          breach of written agreement, breach of covenant of good   etize  their  APIs  for  both  internal-  and  external-facing
          faith and fair dealing, unjust enrichment, and unfair   use  cases,  according to  Mobey  Forum's  Open  Banking
          business  practices. NMA  is  suing  for  $280  million.   Expert Group. Based on a year-long study, the report,
          Depositions are in progress, and a trial is scheduled for   Monetisation of Open Banking  APIs, leverages the open
          February 2023.
                                                                  banking experts' expertise across leading banks and
          Nok Nok releases support for passkeys                   global institutions. Researchers determined that signifi-
                                                                  cant new monetization opportunities exist; many are for
          Nok Nok, a specialist in FIDO customer authentica-      internally facing use cases. According to the report, the
          tion (Fast IDentity Online) and a founder of the FIDO   simplest business case is through direct monetization of
          Alliance, now provides full support for passkeys, the   premium  APIs, which involves charging third parties
          FIDO and key-based passwordless sign-in technology      for use of a bank's APIs beyond standard free offerings.
          standard for replacing passwords. By offering the same
          safety and convenience for signing into online services   NRF finds consumers willing to spend
          as the trusted biometric authentication consumers use to
          sign into their devices, FIDO passkeys offer consumers   Consumers' willingness to spend has been "clearly
                                                                  impacted by inflation" but their ability to spend has
          modern, safe and fast access to all their online services
          and in the future, to their in-home and IoT devices, and   been supported by job growth, rising wages and tap-
                                                                  ping into savings accumulated during the pandemic,
          to their vehicles, Nok Nok stated, adding that its S3 Suite
          provides privacy-compliant, passwordless authentica-    according to the NRF's November 2022 Monthly Economic
                                                                  Review. September consumer spending rose 0.6 percent
          tion across platforms and operates in demanding  con-
          sumer environments, at global scale.                    from August, which underscored that "demand remains
                                                                  strong  and can be expected to  continue," researchers
          Quisitive rebrands LedgerPay as PayiQ                   found. "Despite record levels of inflation, rising interest
                                                                  rates and low levels of confidence, consumers have been
          Quisitive Technology Solutions Inc., a Microsoft solu-  steadfast in their spending and remain in the driver's
          tions and payments solutions provider, rebranded its    seat," said NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz.
          cloud-enabled  payments  solution  platform,  formerly
          known as LedgerPay, as PayiQ. The new brand identity   PARTNERSHIPS
          defines PayiQ as a leading innovator in the payments
          space, Quisitive stated. Simultaneous with the brand
          launch, Quisitive developed a new website, pay-iq.      DivideBuy, Salesforce to offer instant onboarding
          com, which details the platform's value for merchants   DivideBuy, a UK POS finance specialist, formed a part-
          and resellers. PayiQ's cloud-enabled architecture aids   nership with Salesforce, a cloud-based CRM platform,
          in  developing  and  deploying  payments  solutions  that   to  offer instant onboarding for DivideBuy's merchants
          remove friction and enable unique data insights for con-  and partners. This partnership promises to break records
          sumer engagement, Quisitive noted.                      in merchant onboarding times, accelerating the uptake
                                                                  of POS finance among customers in more verticals,

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