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                          Payments on Twitter?                  what could set the stage for a payment system on Twit-
                                                                ter. Musk also mentioned the possibility of offering high-
                                read that Elon Musk plans to    yield money market accounts that could encourage users
                                develop a payments system on    to move cash to Twitter.
                                Twitter, which would take the
                          I social media platform into new      Musk does have experience in the payments space, having
                          territory. People have been saying    helped start the online bank, which merged with
        he's in over his head already with Twitter, so a foray into   online payment startup Confinity in 2000. Musk and his
        payments could be risky. Assuming he can pull this off,   co-owners named the combined company PayPal and sub-
        despite his unrelated SpaceX and Tesla experience, how   sequently sold it to EBay, which spun it off as a separate
        will it work, and do you think there will be opportunity   enterprise in 2014.
        for existing companies in the payments and fintech space?
                                                                We have no inside information on how a possible Twitter
                                                 Ruth Hobbs     payments system would work, but based on what we've
                                      Fintech Research Intern   read about Musk, he keeps his eye out for investment and
        Ruth,                                                   partnership opportunities. We wouldn't rule out his part-
                                                                nering with an innovative payments or fintech enterprise,
        We, at The Green Sheet, have read about Musk presenting   whether established or startup, to help turn his vision into
        his vision for a Twitter payments system during a recent   reality.
        live-streamed meeting with the company's advertisers.                                                 Editor
        And The New York Times recently confirmed that Twitter
        also filed paperwork with the U.S. Treasury Department's   Social media and payments
        Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), which    Are social media platforms a current area of opportunity
        is a prerequisite for being able to facilitate money trans-  for payments companies? Why or why not? Please send
        fers, cash checks or exchange currency. Musk stated in the   us your thoughts on this topic, sound off on an industry
        meeting that Twitter's revamped Twitter Blue subscription   issue of concern to you or pose a question you'd like us to
        as well as planned support for a "creator ecosystem" are   explore to

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