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» Ben Abel–Bank Associates Merchant Services              President and CEO:
        » John Arato–PAX                                          Kate Gillespie........................................................
        » Thomas Aronica–Biller Genie
        » Adam Atlas–Attorney at Law                              Editor in Chief:
        » Clinton Baller–PayNet Merchant Services Inc.            Laura McHale Holland
        » John Beebe–Celestial Payments & Small Business Funding  Senior Editor:
        » Matt Bruno–Payment Logistics Limited                    Patti Murphy
        » Mark Cerminaro–RapidAdvance
        » Lane Conner–Fuzse                                       Senior Staff Writer/Content Marketing Specialist:
        » Mark Dunn–Field Guide Enterprises LLC                   Dale S. Laszig ........................................................
        » Steve Eazell– ComplyPact LLC                            Staff Writer:
        » Steven Feldshuh– BetterPay
        » Mike Fox, CPP–Group ISO Merchant Services               Lyn McKay
        » Noel Fundora–Volt Merchant Solutions Inc.               Production/Creative Art Manager:
        » Marc Gardner–North American Bancard                     Kat Doherty-Stiles
        » Maurice Griefer–Maverick Payments.
        » Charles Hogan–Signature Payments                        Director of Information Technology:
        » Rod Hometh-RPY Innovations                              Wolf Dean Stiles ..................................................
        » Michael Isaacman–Shift4                                 Senior Media Partnership Specialist
        » Dee Karawadra–Impact PaySystem                          Rick Aston
        » Tod Kellen–Riverside Payments
        » Dustin Magaziner–PayBright                              Correspondence:
        » Max Miller–Paybotic                                     The Green Sheet Inc.
        » Justin Milmeister–Elite Merchant Solutions              800-757-4441
        » Charlene Mitchell–EPNA                                  Send questions, comments and feedback to
        » Timothy Munto– TSYS Acquiring Solutions                  .....................................................................
        » Patti Murphy– ProScribes Inc.                           Send press releases to
        » Michael Nardy–Electronic Payments                              NOTE – Please do not send PDF versions of press releases.
        » Steve Norell–US Merchant Services
        » Steven Peisner–Acquiring Solutions International
        » Darren Schulman–6th Avenue Capital                      The Green Sheet Inc.
        » Jeffrey I. Shavitz–ToolBox Payment                      6366 Commerce Blvd
        » Dave Siembieda–CrossCheck Inc.                          Suite 284
        » Rick Slifka–Exec-Links LLC                              Rohnert Park, CA 94928
        » Steve Sotis–eProcessing Network LLC                     Print Production:
        » Cliff Teston–Signature Payments                         Hudson Printing Company
        » Mike Zalansky-MerchantE
        » Sam Zietz–American Bancard

                                                                  The Green Sheet (ISSN 1549-9421) is published semi-monthly by The Green Sheet Inc., P.O.Box 750878 Petaluma,
                                                                  Ca 94975. Subscription is FREE to participants in the payment processing industry, an annual subscription
                                                                  includes 24 issues of The Green Sheet. To subscribe, visit POSTMASTER: send address
                                                                  changes to The Green Sheet Inc., P.O.Box 750878 Petaluma, Ca 94975. Any questions regarding information
                                                                  contained in The Green Sheet should be directed to the Editor in Chief at Editorial
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                                                                  In publishing The Green Sheet, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting,
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