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Letter from the editor

                   ot too long ago, the notion of partner-
                   ing with independent software vendors
                   to integrate payments functions into
        N software devised for purposes beyond
        payments-related functions seemed novel. Now, in
        keeping with the ever-changing payments industry's
        ways, integrations between a range of ISVs and ISOs
        are proliferating. Indeed, if your company hasn't
        looked into establishing this type of integration, you
        may be behind the curve.                                Howdy

        This issue's lead article takes a look at how ISOs and
        payment processors are working with ISVs in a num-      Y’all!
        ber of verticals and discusses how payments compa-
        nies considering establishing this type of relationship
        can go about finding the right partners for their busi-
        ness interests. According to Statista, the United States
        alone is home to more than 10,000 ISVs, so the oppor-
        tunity to find a lucrative niche looks good.

        The advantages of becoming a niche expert has ad-
        vantages beyond integrating with an ISV, and one of
        our contributing writers illuminates the advantages
        of this business approach. Other contributors explore
        the distinctions between retail and wholesale ISOs      I’m working hard to help you increase
                                                                                               p y
                                                                                                     u incr
                                                                                     d t
                                                                                         o he
                                                                  m w
                                                                               g ha
        and why having an accomplished sales team isn't by
                                                                         your bottom line today!
        itself sufficient for a retail ISO to become a wholesale         y o ur b o t t o m line t o d a y!
        ISO; a reminder of why, regardless of the size of your
        business or how many transactions you process, if
                                                                                     o B
        you collect, transmit, maintain or transfer card data,                    No Bull
        you must comply with the PCI DSS; how SWIFT is set
        to transform the way banks and financial services or-
        ganizations process cross-border payments; why pay-        Customized advertising campaigns
        ments is at the very heart of the coming metaverse;
        and the headaches merchants endure when an ISO             to fit any size company and budget.
        won't release reserve funds  after merchant account         • Spotlight Innovators’ Pages
                                                                       (frequently updated content)
        News briefs herein highlight several recent stories         • Print (various size options)
        published at, including tech gi-
        ant Bluefin's acquisition of global processor TECS; a       • Resource Guide listing
        recent report released by Senator Elizabeth Warren,
        D-Mass., indicating that fraud on person-to-person             (print/online/front page options)
        payment network Zelle is rampant and that most de-          • Email Blasts (to GS readership)
        frauded customers aren’t getting refunded by their
        banks; payments leaders overall support for  the            • Online (website/twice monthly magazine)
        CFPB's new set of open banking guidelines; and The
        National Retail Federation forecasting holiday retail       • Video
        sales growth at between 6 and 8 percent during No-          • Bundle advertisng campaign discounts*
        vember and December, compared with the same two
        months of 2021.
                                                                    Rick Aston
        Of course, you'll find herein company and product
        profiles along with a range of updates on recent                   Senior Media Partnership Specialist
        milestones in the payments community. To share your
        company news, please send a press release to press@               707-284-1693; if you have questions or comments,
        please email us
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